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Edmund Spenser

                      In this blog I talk about the Edmund Spenser. Who is known as poet of poet. His life and work seems to center about three great influences summed up in three name : Cambridge where he grew acquainted with the classics and the Latin poets ; London where he experienced the glamour and the disappointment of court life ; and Ireland which steeped him in the beauty and imagery of old Celtic poetry first gave him leisure to write his masterpiece.

Life :
                    If we talk about the life of Spenser we found that he was born in  East Smithfield,near the tower of London and was poor. He educated at merchant Cambridge.
                   We can find his feelings in his work. For example : his melancholy over the Rosalind in Shepherd's calendar. When he fall in love with beautiful Elizabeth an Irish girl ; he wrote Amoretti and some other sonnets in her honor.

                    In 1595 he published Astrophel on elegy on death of his friend Sidney and three books of Faery Queen. It is supposed that same unfinished parts of the Faery Queen were burned in castle.

                   From the shock of this frightful experience Spenser never recovered. He return to England heartbroken, and in following year
( 1599 ) he died in an inn at  Westminster. He buried beside his Master Chaucer in Westminster Abbey.
Work :
              The Faery Queen is the great work upon which the poet's fame chiefly rests.The original plan of the poem include twenty four books, each of which was to recount the adventure and triumph of knight who represent a moral virtue.

             Each of the virtue appears as knight fighting his opposing vice and the poem tells the story of conflict. It is there for purely allegorical.
             For the Faery Queen Spenser invented a new verse form. Which has been called since his day the spenserin stanza.
Minor poem :
                            Next to his masterpiece the Shepherd's calendar   (  1579 ) is the best known for Spenser's poem. It consists of twelve pastoral poem.

                         His theme of writing are generally rural life, nature, love in the field.
                Other noteworthy poems are " Mother Hubbard's tale" a satire on society. "Astrophel" an elegy on the death of Sidney , the marriage hymn " Epithalamion " and four "Hymns " on love, beauty, heavenly love and heavenly beauty.

Characteristics of his poetry :

    1. A perfect melody.
    2. A rare sense of beauty.
    3. A splendid imagination.
    4. A lofty moral purity and seriousness.
    5. A delicate idealism.
           Because of his contribution in English literature we can say that in true manner he is poet of poet.


  1. Error in Poet of poets but this is first blog overall good keep writing.

    1. Yes there is error I didn't realize but thanks for correcting me I'll make sure that I don't repeat my mistake.


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