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Showing posts from February, 2019

Deconstruction and Darrida

Jacques Darrida wrote a essay on structure sign and play in discourse of human science. When we talk about what Darrida say we found that in his career we found that he has question that how we can give proper definition of something. That is why he himself never gave definition of Deconstruction. According to Darrida what we do is differentiating one thing from the other. And for this he gave word DifferAnce.   DiffreAnce   = Differ +defere. DiffreAnce is not an idea or a concept but a force which makes differentiation possible which makes postponing possible. He also talk about the idea of center. He gave the idea of decentering the center. According to Darrida "The center is paradoxically within the structure and out side it. The totality has its center else where The center is not the center. For Darrida it was necessary to began thinking there was no center, that center could be thought in the form of present being, that center has no natural site that it was not a fi

Structuralism and literary criticism.

Structuralism is  a method of interpretation and analysis of aspects of human cognition, behaviour, culture, and experience, which focuses on relationships of contrast between elements in a conceptual systems. Structuralism is the term develop by Ferdinand De Saussure.  Saussure’s mode of the synchronic study of language was an attempt to formulate the grammar of a language from a study of parole.  Ha say that language is made of two things.         Language = langue + parole. One can only understand what other is saying if the langue and parole is understandable to the person.      Ex: SRK hits "omrun". Now for understanding this sentence you must have two things in your langue. First that what the first word SRK means  and and second omrun.  To understand SRK you must connect with the Bollywood. Then only you can understand that SRK means sharuk khan. Who is actor. Second omrun is connect with the game baseball. Then only you can understand that omrun is connect w

William Wordsworth.

Introduction : William Wordsworth was one of the major English Romantic poet who with the Samuel Taylor Aldridge, help to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with there joint publication Lyrical Ballads. In his work he for the first time gave definition of poetry. As well as he talk about what is poet rather then what is poetry. Also talk about poetic process . Best example of poetic possess is his poem 'Deffodils.' Definition of poem :  According to Wordsworth, " Poetry is spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling recollect in tranquility." Wordsworth  believed that when you look at something you have feeling for that thing. And letter when you are alone at that time you recollect all your memory and write a poem. What is poet : when we look at the Wordsworth Lyrical Ballad (1798) we found that in his work he talk about the question what is poet rather than what is poetry. He describe the quality of poet. The first quality about which Wordswort