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Doctor Faustus

          Here in this blog  I am writing the answers of the questions which is given as the thinking activity on Doctor Faustus.

Question 1 The play directed by Matthew Dunster for globe theater ends with this science  ( see the image of Lucifer ) what does it signify ?

This picture is from the play Dr. Faustus directed by Matthew Duster. The character which we can see in the picture is of Lucifer. We can see the big wings and proud on his face.

Lucifer is a symbol of devil. And master of Mephistopheles. The hunger for destruction of mankind is extent that Lucifer," The Prince of hell" surrenders his personal assistant to serve Faustus for twenty and four year ; the fact remains that Faustus is one man , only one man. The height of hatred for man in evident by the act of Lucifer in the play. 

The proud and heartrate   towards man we can see in his facial expressions.

Question 2 Is god present in the play ? If yes where and how ? If no, why ? 

Yes god is present in a play but not directly but we found god different ways. 

Firstly we found god as a good angle. If we symbolically look
 to good angle we found that he is God's symbol. He say Dr. Faustus not to attack towards the book of necromancy. This way we found Good angle as symbol of God. 

Secondly as a " Homo,fug " sign. This is a Latin word which means " o man fly ". A sign of god Gin the play. 

" Homo'fuge : whither should I fly ? 
If unto god' hell throw me down to hell
My sences are deceived; here's nothing write:
I see it plain; here in this place is writ 
Homo'fuge :yet shell not Faustus fly."
      ( Act, scene 1, lines 77 - 80 )

Thirdly we find god as a man " old man " . Whatever he say to Dr Faustus we feel that if god were there he also say like that. Till the  end  he refused to Dr Faustus to obey Mephistopheles.

" Faustus, I leave thee; but with grief of heart, fearing the enemy of helpless soul."
   ( Act 5 scene 1 line 60 )

Question 3 what reading and interpretation can be given to this ( see the image of Daedalus and Icarus ) with reference to the central theme of the play Dr. Faustus ? 

The image which we can see above is a image of two character from Greek mythology. They named as Daedalus and Icarus. Daedalus is an artist. When express his wish to his father that he wants to fly Daedalus fulfill his son's wish and makes wings for his son. 

But wings has limitations of flying. In his excitement Icarus cross his limitations and his wings melted and he comes down to see.

If we want to connect this image with Dr. Faustus we can say that like Icarus Faustus also cross his limitations. When good angle and old man tries to stop him he didn't listen to them. As per the word of old man Faustus has to repeat for his did. Because of error of judgement both of them have to pay.

Question 4  How do you interpret this painting ?

As I explained the story of Greek mythology of Daedalus and Icarus above this is continue picture of that mythology. The name of  this picture is " landscape with the fall of Icarus ".

When Icarus fall down in sea and drowning. No one who are presented try to take care about him. This show that any one around us doesn't care about any one. We are living in false fantasy that without us once life will affect. But there is nothing like that. For anyone and without anyone life never stops.


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