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Introductory thinking task on T. P. Kailasam's "THE PURPOSE"

              A teacher is someone who provides education to students. Anybody who educates someone is a teacher and that is school teachers, professors are not the only teachers in the world but parents, relatives, friends, tutors, leaders, spiritual gurus etc. everyone is a teacher because they all teach some of the most valuable lessons in life. While the school teachers and college professors are a professional teacher there are personal tutors as well. 

Teachers are the one that not only teaches academic lessons but also provide moral and social education to children. Now a days we have a schooling system but if we talk about ancient India during that time in India we have "Guru Shishya parampara ". 


Here I described about teacher, now I am answering the questions which given us as a task.

Que. 1 Write some thing about your favourite teacher. Give some reasons for it.

               If  I talk about my favourite who gave me lessons of life than she is my mother. She taught me how to be perfect in any work. She also teach me importance of time. How to be in pensions in any situation. One of the most important thing she taught me is that always be an independent. She teach me that never depend on some always to everything by your own. 

                    If I talk about teacher who teaches me academic things then she my tuition teacher her name was Geeta mam. She was my favorite because I can ask whatever I wanted to ask. I can go her home any time ask about  my problem. She never say why you this time. There is no time barrier for study so I can go and ask problem dutdur my reading. That is the reason that I like her the most.
            Que. 2   How are you as a student ? 
            If I talk about my self I am the person who cannot concentrate over one thing for a long time. I am very talkative person so during class I started talking and because of this sometimes my teachers scolded me. I want able to Craming so for me it is very important to clear concept. I can alsborate the things if the point is given to me. 

             Que. 3   What is the difference between the education system in the past and today's time? Take help of your parent to write this. 

 When my parents were studying :

When parents were studying that time people did not give this much importance to education  especially for girls as it is now a days. There is also a lake of information. Also students are not that much connected with teachers. They do not use technology for studying . Classroom are not that much good with facilities.

Now a days when I am studying :

 I am studying during the Time of  Digital India. We have all the good facilities with good and technical classroom. We summit our things in blog and  get information through mail and WhatsApp group. We don't need text books because we have e-text.  With the help of this type of technology we can able to connect with teachers Evey time asked our difficulties. Also we use internet so we have all the information with us we can read it anytime and anywhere.

        So here we find vast different between my and my parents study.


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