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Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet based on Hamlet William Shakespeare

    Hamlet is very famous Tragedy by William Shakespeare. it is also most debatable among the critics. Many film makers make their movie on that. Kenneth Branagh also make movie on that. In this blog I try giving answer of the question which are part of post viewing task.

            1)  How faithful is the movie to the original play ?

According to me movie is quit faithful to the original  play. When we look at character, situation, and setting are as much as similar to the original play. The use of mirror gives a charm to the scene. His soliloquy looks better in this way.  

But still we find the difference in the play and movie. Hamlet written in 16th century and the costumes in the play are of victorine time. We also find that Hamlet in movie is looking middle aged but Hamlet in a play is a student of university. 

 2) After watching movie have your perception about play, character, or situation changed?

Our imagination is quit different then what is. while we read something that image is quit different. But after watching the movie  we come to know about how the how the dialogue were deliver. When we watch someone's expression we come to about the feeling more effectively then imagination. Expression helps to get perfect idea of feelings. so, it has given perfect support to the play to get proper meaning.

3)   Do you feel '' aesthetic delight '' while watching the movie ? 

Though this is a tragic play I felt aesthetic delight when Hamlet recalls his memories with his father. we feel good for him. In one scene we see Hamlet and Ophelia happy together at that time we also feel aesthetic delight. 

4)  Do you feel catharsis while or after watching movie?

Yes, I feel catharsis in some scene: first when Hamlet come to know about his father's murder by his uncle and mother. This is very shocking movement for Hamlet. Secondly when we see situation of Ophelia after his father's death. When we see lose her mantle balance we feel catharsis 

5) Dose screening of movie help you in the better understanding of the play?

Yes, screening of the movie help me to understand in a better way. Through the character's expiration I come to know about exact idea of their feeling. Because when we watch the things it's easy to remember that. And also help to understand things in abettor way.

6) Was there any particular scene or a moment in a movie that you will cherish lifetime?

There is a two scene I always keep in my mind one is talk between the Hamlet and Ghost. In this scene we feel so many emotion like terror, shock, after knowing actual cause of the death of his father hatred in his eyes. There are very less scene in our life in which we can more then one emotion. So this scene I always kept in my mind. 

Second thing when play ends the camara goes near to the sculpture of King Hamlet. It marks that how much great you are you have to face fall in your life.

7) If you are the director, what change would you like to make in remaking of movie on Shakespeare's Hamlet?

The movie is beautifully directed, but if I was the director I would like to change technique. I have used flashback technique. I give voice to Hamlet that Hamlet teals his on his deathbed. so we can see the story from his perspective. And I also like to make the character of Ophelia more stronger than in the play. There is no any scene in which the pain of Ophelia has describe I would like to add one scene in which Ophelia's pain has describe. 

8) What does  fallen statue signifies ?

In the beginning of the movie, camera rolls over the statue of king Hamlet outside the Elsinore castle and the movie ends with the similar sequence wherein the statue of the king Hamlet is hammered down to dust.

The fall statue symbolize that revenge is never good. It also marks the ending of king Hamlet's monarchy. And it also signifies that after death nothing remains all your false pride, rule, money, mix in the dust.

9) While studying the play through movie, which approach do you find  more applicable?

There are many approaches are applicable but I found psychological approach is more applicable for the play because Hamlet fight his own self. Formalist approach is the main. Because one brother killed his own brother for kingdom.

10) Which of the above mentioned approaches appeals you more than other? Why?

In this to me feminist approach appeals more then any other.
I found that Gertrude is being loved by king Hamlet Ans Claudius as well as. Both the men treats her very well. But on the other side Hamlet who seems as misogynist use abusing words not only for his lover Ophelia but his mother also. He is shocked when his mother remarried after the death of king Hamlet immediately. What is the matter of shock? Every woman has right to live life as the way she wants to live. Every woman have right to choose her own life partner. Why it is crime for woman only? Man can marry to other woman not only after the death of former wife but also when his former wife is living. 
Hamlet used very abusive word for Gertrude:-
"O most pernicious woman"
In this way the morality of the prince Hamlet also breaks down. Therefore i found feminist approach more applicable.



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