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Online discussion Mario Vargas Llosa's Interview

               Mario Vargas Llosa the Peruvian novelist, was awarded the nobal prize for literature in 2010. His most recent novel is The Neighbourhood .

 Here in this blog I am sharing the point which I like form his interview for the worldpost by Michael Skafidas , a journalist and professor of comparative literature at City University of New York .                       

                  I also try to explain that why I agree with that point by giving example according to my  

       First point which I like is that " If you respect literature you must accept not only the very idealist altruist vision of the human beings but also the infernal vision of them. Georges Bataller said that in human beings , there are angle and devil. Literature is testimony of what we hide. "

I totally agree with this point because As most of us consider literature as mirror of society then how can we expect that whatever is literature is must be idealist. In real life we can't find every person is ideal. There is always a hidden evil  personality in every ideal man. For this we can take example of novel " The Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."

Here in this we find that Mr. Hyde is hidden personality of Dr. Jekyll. Like this we can find people in our real life also. There is always something hidden in every person but because of there reputation and other reason they want able to show that to the world. 

Second point  which I like is " History and literature are face of coin. I like literature that is still very close to living experiences." 

I totally agree with this point because  history and literature are parallel. Whatever we find in history we find in literature. We find that there are a literary work based on reality. This type of literature is near to  living experiences. For this we can take example of the novel "The namesake" 

Here in this novel we find the real life incident and experience of author. With this we find that how actually the world around us. Thus this type of literature is closed to living experiences. 

Third point which I like is " I think it is right to denounce abuses against woman. These abuses are everywhere. "

I totally agree with this point because we find abuses every where. And because of this reason we find that our government made strict rules.  Abuses against woman now a days increase more and more. According to  " Global Gender Gap Index "2017
Out of  144  woman 108 woman has to face abuses. 


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