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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

            Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a nigerian novelist. She was born on 15 September 1977. She mostly write novel and short stories.

     Education : 
 - Studied medicine in Nsukka. 
- Studied Communication and Political science at Eastern Connecticut State University.
- Received a master's degree in creative writing from John Hopkins University.
- Studied African history at Yale University.
Her novel : 
   Purple Hibiscus ( 2003 )
    Half of a yellow sun ( 2006 )
   Americanah ( 2013 ) 

Her short stories collection : 
  The thing Around your Neck ( 2009) 

 Her book length essay : 
    We should all be Faminists (2014 )

Award won by her : 
    Macarthur genius Great ( 2008) 

Video 1 :  The denger of single story.

Ngozi Adichie is very good speaker. In the first video she talk about her family, her childhood writing, her view about the literature. she began to write at age of 7. At that time all her character are white and blue eyed. First she simpla immitate the things that she read. But as soon as her reading grows she started reading about the thing actually she found around her self. We found that she simply speak that the thinks she never found around her she write about that.  This shows the denger of single reading that she wrote the things she never feel.  It also shows the power of colonialism. Though she don't know anything about the life of white people she write about them. The roommate scene also shows thinking of white people about black.

Video 2 :  we all should be Faminists : 

When she began talk about Faminisam first she talks about her personal experience that she wants to be monitor in class but her teacher simply refund her because she was girl. Ferther she says that boys always pay for girl to prove her masculine. Their ego never allow them to bag in front of girl. Marriage is for them is about ownnership. She also says that we 
should focus on  ability rather then the gender. In culture virginity is more important for girl then boy. This also shows the our nerrow  mind set. We also feel that child is only responsibility of both not only woman.

Video 3 :  Importance of truth in post truth era.

In the third video about truth in post-truth era, she beautifully said about the courage of speaking truth. Her thought is to be loyal with ourselves to tell the truth. She says that most of the time politic force to lie. She also says you must not  tell truth because it's work but after telling truth you can sleep well. She also says that never stop your self to tell truth. Be courageous accept that life is messy. Your life is not always perfectly match with your ideology. She also talk about self doubt and self believe.

If I talk about my self then I agree with her in her idea of marriage. When she says that marriage is ownership for man. Because in our society we have so many examples where we can see this thing. Where man treet a a woman as object or as their own property. And also shows the reality of the society.  

I like idea of the to tell the truth to your self. Because we see that we even sometime lie to our self. We try to gave justification to self so that our guilt conscious won't truble us. So I like the idea that at least we should true to our self. This view also help me to understand life and my self in better way. This point provide me to view how I talk with my self. That is I am also give excuse to my self sometime.


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