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Deconstruction and Darrida

Jacques Darrida wrote a essay on structure sign and play in discourse of human science. When we talk about what Darrida say we found that in his career we found that he has question that how we can give proper definition of something. That is why he himself never gave definition of Deconstruction.
According to Darrida what we do is differentiating one thing from the other. And for this he gave word DifferAnce.  
DiffreAnce   = Differ +defere.
DiffreAnce is not an idea or a concept but a force which makes differentiation possible which makes postponing possible.
He also talk about the idea of center. He gave the idea of decentering the center. According to Darrida "The center is paradoxically within the structure and out side it. The totality has its center else where The center is not the center.
For Darrida it was necessary to began thinking there was no center, that center could be thought in the form of present being, that center has no natural site that it was not a fixed locus but a function, a short of nonlocus in which an infinite number of sign - substitution come in to play. This rupture this Deconstruction of the center thus created  a world where " the absences of the transcendental signified extends  domian and play of signification infinitely. "
To understand this idea of Deconstruction I take Example of the advertisement of wheel powder.

In this video we found that husband come from work and say that in this time inflation of how one can alone take responsibility of house. So we see that wife try to work with her one hand and husband say that work both the hand so wife say that In same manner of we both work together that it will help us to live comfortably. In this manner they try to Deconstruct society that still this time we have Traduction of husband only work. But now it is time that we come out of gender bais and accept both partner as working and in marriage we accept both as equal. It equally both of there responsibility to took care of house and to earn money for their comfortable living.


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