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Novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde

R.L.Stevenson was scottish novelist and Travel writer. He was born on 13 November 1850 in scotland. Stevenson attracted a more negative critical response for much of the 20th century, though his reputation has been largely restored. He is currently ranked as the 26th most translated author in the world.

His famous works are,

  • Treasure Island
  • Kidnapped
  • Strage Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde.
  • A Child's Garden Of Varses.

His one of the famous work is Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. This novel is scientific fiction. Here we can see that he is represents is era very beautifully. Because we see that he was from Victorian era and one of the characteristic of this era is science vs religion. We found scientific development during that time and we see that Stevenson try to represent that thing in his novel.

Stevenson use to work on how personality can affect a human. So he gave voice to his thought in this story. This story is narrated by the lawyer named Gabriel Utterson. He investigate strage incident which occures case or Dr. Jekyll. Some part of the novel can act as a horror. Apart from scientific fiction this novel can be seen under the Genres of drama, horror, thriller, gothic fiction.


The story start with a lawyer Mr.Utterson. He used to go on a walk with his friend, named Richard Enfield. At once Mr. Enfield shared the incident with Mr. Utterson and told him that in previous days he saw man trampled a small girl very crualy and trued to run away but he cought him and call her prenpar too and asked for compensation. So that person agreed and gave 90 dollars cheque but it was singed by Dr. Jekyll and he went into back side door of Dr. Jekyll's lab. So a person who is such a crual is known to Dr. Jekyll it is quote Strange.  Dr. Jekyll is very nice honarable and peaceful person of london. So how he can have any connection with such a crual person. 

That person is Me. Hyde. Me. Hyde is short and thin in look. His face is crual and even no one can like that face. There is something in him that was quite strage and surprising. His voice is harse and behavior is also very rude. So there is question that how can this two different personalities can be friends? Mr. UrtteUtt was lawyer and friend and well wisher of Dr. Jekyll and so he decided to have conversation with him. Dr.Jekyll assure him that Mr. Hyde may be rude and crule to other but was quite good and reliable friend of him and he can trust him. 

The other Stengel thing Mr. Utterson see that Dr. Jekyll prepared  a will and gave all his property to Me. Hyde. So he again went to talk with Dr. Jekyll but this time also Dr. Jekyll say that, don't worry he will not harm me.

Mr. Utterson talked about this with Dr. Lanyon who is common friend of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Utterson. So lanyon told him, I haven't talked with Dr. Jekyll for more then ten years. He used to talk unnatural. He seems mad. Here we found that actually as person we all have two mind sat one is positive and another is negative. So Dr. Jekyll tries to part that dual mind set. He tries to make a medicine who can bring person's evil mind out. 

Now it is quite clear that Mr. Hyde is no one else but evil mindset of Dr. Jekyll. He fullfil his evil wishes as Mr. Hyde. If Mr. Hyde do something wrong then even Dr. Jekyll and his image can be saved in society.  So after being Mr. Hyde he do all that work which he can not do as Dr. Jekyll. We see that he was smart enough. That he brought house and also kept one maid on the name of Mr. Hyde. So if anything wrong happen so police will think that Hyde has run away and they will never doubted on Jekyll. 

But later on we see that the evil personality Mr. Hyde slowly sated taking over the good personality  Dr. Jekyll. Now Mr. Hyde is out of control of Dr. Jekyll he can come and go without medicine. He also become more crual then he was  before. One night  he killed old man who is very respected prsope in London. Now police was in surch of Mr. Hyde. Apart from this we also found that now it is become more diffocdif for Jekyll to survive. 

When he was not able to do anything as a last option he locked him self into his lab and desiced to kill him self. Because he feels that this is the last option to get rid out of Mr. Hyde. And he wrote latter to Mr. Utterson and commited suside.

Main idea in novel : 

The main idea of the novel is based on two doffediff personality of one person. The other idea we found in the novel is about the person' s public behaviour vs private wishes. 

Social reason :

In this Novel We can come across later of Dr. Jekyll after his seat. In which he talked about the his childhood. He was a child fr upper class. His family secured good images in society so he can not do anything which is against his family reputation. So as a child he when he was alone in his room or in home he fulfufu his evil wishes. So here we fiend that his mental status was quite supressed case of the society family and his own understanding of image.


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