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Novel : Moby Dick.

Herman Melville is recognize today as one of the Amrica's greatets writer. He wrote more then ten major novle based on real life. Like many Americans he was or mixed nationalities partly English and partly Dutch.

His famous works are,

  • Moby Dick
  • Typee
  • Isreal potter
  • Mardi

Summary : 

 In “Moby Dick” a novel, Captain Ahab wants to kill the white whale, which he calls Moby Dick. He had lost his one leg in encounter with Moby Dick. He wanted to take revenge with the whale. In his revenge he has involved innocent people and all have died at the end. The narrator of the story is Ishmael. He is the only survivor at the end. In this story, we can consider Moby Dick as a holy white fish and also as nature. Ahab has first harmed the nature and nature has given him a punishment by taking his one leg. The revenge of Ahab was with nature, which leads him to death. As nature can produce us and also destroy us.

Moby-Dick as an allegory :

It becomes clear from the bugging that author wants us to his story as an allegory. 

Allegory means a story which has hidden sprituspi meaning.
We see that almost everything in the book has symbolic value which represents something abstract. The name of the major character are the taken from the Bible.
It can be read at one leavel as a tale of adventure. However the game of the book rests chiefly on complacent spirituals and religion element that Melville wove in the story. 


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