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Movie Review of kya kehna in the contest of novel The scarlet letter.

As we all have basic defination  of  Literature is that Literature is mirror of society. So We see that in every culture there is something which is common. So, we see the  Hindi movie "Kya Kehna" in the context of  The novel " The scarlet letter."

Though this novel is written in  1850's  and the movie is release in year of 2000 We see that there is same concept.  The major difference between this both is ending. 

1. What are the name the protagonist in both the works ? 

The scarlet letter :  

     Hester pryne                    
    Arthur Dimmesdale
    Roger chilligworth. 

Kya Kehna :


2. Write there story in brief.

The scarlet letter : 
When the novel began we see that Hester is taken to give punishment. Because she has given birth to baby whose father is unknown. Now as a part of punishment she has to ware the letter A on her chest. We see that Arthur Dimmesdale was the father of the child. But this he accept at the end of the novel  before his death. Though out the novel we see that Hester by herself take care The child. When her husband return he decided to take revange. He is the first who come to Know that who is father of purle.  But when Dimmesdale confess that he is father of the child of Hester and died. Because of his death chilligworth's  plan of taking revenge goes fail. After some time he also died. In end when Hester has died she hurried near the grave of Dimmesdale.

Kya Kehna : 

Priya came her home after completing her high school studies. And started doing college in her own city. She Falls in love with the Rahul who is belongs from one of elite family of town. He has not good image. So her  brother said her to stay away from him as well as he warn Rahul also. Still Priya is with Rahul and got pregnant but Rahul denied to merry her. Priya desied to give birth to child. In all this though time her family and her friend Ajay support her. At last when Rahul realise her mistake he proposed her but she desied to marry Ajay who is fried of her and support her during her pregnancy. 

3.  What is the role palyed by society in Hester's life? 

Hester is courage woman who take care her child all alone. When we look the role of so We see that society never support her and always create problem for her. It never allow Hester to live life her own way.  Firstly they don't want Hester to live alone and when she gave birth to purle they gave A her to ware so that shows that she has done mistake. Even after her death society won't allow her to free from the letter A they write that on her grave. 

4. What is the role played by society in Priya's life ? 

We see that when Priya get pragent  at that time firstly she force to live her home. When finally her family accept her then even society stared blaming her. When she went to college at that time they cut all relation with her. Even her friend are also cut there relation. In annual faction they perform play on her and try to humiliat her. 

5. Compare and contrast the male characters, Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale, Rahul, and Ajay.

Roger chilligworth : He is husband of Hester. When he come to know about the purle. He blame Hester and desire to take revenge. He live with Dimmesdale and find out that he is father of purle. 

 Arthur Dimmesdale :  He is lover of Hester and father of purle. He  never accepted publicly that he is father of Hester's child. But in private he by himself gave panisment. 

 Rahul :  He is Lover of Priya. The difference between Dimmesdale and Rahul is there confession. When we look on the part of Dimmesdale we see that in scafforld scene when they all are blaming Hester that time he confess that he is the father of purle. But when we look at Rahul' s part in whole movie he never confess by him self publically. He confess once in front of her mother but in private. 

   Ajay : Ajay is friend of priya and in end of movie she desied to marry him.  When we look his character we see that he is always with Priya in every condition. He is quite ideal character which is difficult to found in real life. 

  6. Compare and contrast ‘The scaffold scene in The Scarlet Letter’ and ‘a year-end performance in Kya Kehna in which a group of students performs a play on Priya and her pregnancy’.

   As I have mentioned in last answer that this is the scene where Dimmesdale confessed that he is the father of the Heater child. When we look at the part of the Priya we see that when the play was performed after that when she gave speech at that time Rahul is not come  infant to support her. 

 7. What are the reasons that Arthur Dimmesdale and Rahul do not come forward to accept their fatherhood? How do you they differ and what are the similarities?

   Dimmesdale : we see that Dimmesdale do not confess his fatherhood because he is priests and by having relationship with Hester he has brake the rule. And according to society he is punishable. And also his reputation is ruined. So he doesn't accept his sin.

  Rahul : when I look thinks on Rahul's side firstly I feel that he doesn't love his child because he gave advise to abort the child. Second thing I feel that whatever he did it may be to take revenge with Priya's brother. Because during one argument he said that
It is better for you not to do anything else because your sister has paid for your earlier mistake.
This  is the dialogue which gave feel to me that whatever he did he had done to take revange.

8. What is the role played by Chillingworth in Hester’s life? Why do you think he wanted to take revenge on Hester and Dimmesdale?

He wants to take revange because he thinks that Hester is not faithful to him. And as a wife she must wait for him and she has cross the boundaries of his love. 

9. What is the role played by Rahul's mother in Priya’s life? Why do you think she wants to take revenge on Priya? 

The very first thing I feel about Rahul's mother is that she is very class conscious. She like to show her Power in society. Because she say that how can we allowed her to live this way in city. After her instructions the play on that Priya's pragnacy was performed. The other reason is can be because of Priya  there was a flight between him and Priya's brother. 

10. Write a note on class difference in Kya Kehna.

In movie there are something where We see class consciousness. Rahul' s mother show that thing. She always try to prove her power. We see that when Priya's father asked Rahul that when will you marry Priya that time he say that my parents won't allow this merriage because they want me to marry with the girls firm same of our class. 

11. Why do you think the director has lifted the character of Ajay to the ideal state? Is it possible in real life? What are the reasons of your YES or NO?

As I have mentioned that it is not possible to in real life to find character like Ajay. Because he is too ideal for anyone. He never judge Priya. Though he know that he love Rahul he accepted her. It is quite impossible for anyone to support the person who love someone else. According to me director lifted his character to ideal state to gave happy ending to movie. If Ajay was not ideal then Priya will never have such respect for her and she will never ready to merry him. Because in the end she say that I want to marry the person whom I can give respect.  So I think this can be The reason.

12. How do you see Hester and Priya as individuals?

 Both  the girls are of free will and they always live life the way they want. They always take desision by them self. They stands for indipandent woman character.

13. Write a critical note on the end of the movie and the novel. Why do you think the novelist has not given happy ending?

If we talk about the end of novel we see that it has sad end but quite realistic end. The think I don't setified is that on the grave they write 'A' is not good. It shows they that even death won't allow you to free from your sin.

When we talk about the end of movie we see that director and try to give poetic Justice by giving Happy ending. But this end leaves below question in my mind.

1. Why Priya can not say to merry? Why it Everytime that woman needs support of man?
2. Why she get ready to marry with Ajay? How can one get ready to merry just for the sake that she respect him?
3. Is really love is not metter marriage?

Other things I have noticed in movie Kya Kehna : 

1. The very first I notice is about the character of Ajay that whenever he comes with the flowers.  Flowers are Singh of happiness. It shows that he will bring happiness in Priya's life.

2. The second is about the character of Ajay's mother. The way character of Ajay is too ideal same way his mother character is also ideal. She is contrast character of Rahul's mother.

3. Third thing is about the charachar of the father if Priya's sister in low. As per our Indian context marriage is not just between two persons but  between two families. But her father won't support Priya's family. But goes in favor of Rahul's mother because she is in power.


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