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Sairandhri by Vinod Joshi

Vinod Joshi is postmodern Gujarati poet, writer and critic. He wrote geet, sonnet and long narrative poems. His latest work is sairandhri.

If one wants to read this one first must know about who actually she was. This name sairandhri has mythical context with Indian myth Mahabharata.

Sairandhri is a name of Draupadi during her 'agnatvas'. Very few people know her by this name because she was more famous as Draupadi, panchali, Yagnsani, Krushna.

According to Mahabharata after Drut and chirharan prasang pandav got the punishment of  12 years of vanvas and 1 year of agnatvas. During this year they lives in king Virat's place. Here Draupadi took the name of Sairandhri and leaves as dasi.

In this book Vinod Joshi took the name of Draupadi' s agnatvas and wrote about her. The person who born to become Samrangi ( queen) of Hastinapur but become dasi of other queen. Person who lost her identity. Woman who divided between brothers.

Poet not only talks about the her lost identity but also connect with us. He  say that the way she lost identity the same way we also lost identity. He say that now a days we also manage our
self in front of other. And by pretending this slowly we started running from our selves. And by running this way we lost our self.

When we talks about the Draupadi she lost her self. When she was in Mehal of King Virat she must bound her self in the character of dasi. In form of dasi she repressed her self. She was in kind of dilemma that she can't revel her self  or even she can't share with anyone.

Apart from this poet also say that when she was Draupadi all time Krishna, Bhim, Argun or someone else came and help her. But when she was  Sairandhri she must help herself. Poet say that she was only as woman in poem. When we say that she was only as woman that means her boundary as wife, as queen, as daughter, as friends, as daughter- in - low are not here. She can feel whatever she wants to feel.

This can be the one reason that as sairandhri she can love Karna what she can not do as Draupadi. This thing is different than Mahabharata and part of poetic imagination.

In this we can see that see loves Karna in her heart and also imagine him in her dreams. We see that Karna is also symbol of lost identity. He was the eldest son if Kunta  which he don't know and when he comes to know it was too late. Arujan is second choice of Drupadi.

The character of Sairandhri is more relatable to the woman of  anytime then the queen Drupadi. Because as woman we don't have much choice in Patrick social structure. The way she lost her identity there are so many woman who lost there identity to play the role of daughter, wife, mother, daughter-in- low. So her character is more relatable.


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