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Showing posts from March, 2019

Talk with the author and blogger Bhupendrasinh Raol.

Today We have an talk with blogger and author Bhupendrasinh Raol in our department Department of English of Bhavanger University. Who talk with about the his book Rasayanik Gita. In this book he talk about the Human behavior and how it is connected with the human's biological cycle. He critisied that Evey aspect of the human behavior is connected with the biological cycle rather then phycological thing. He also give reason that why he gave title of the book as Rasayanik Gita.  He also talk about the new field of phycology is revolutionary phycology.  He also say that In new phycology they started to believe that the Soul of the human is brain. He also talk about the difference of two country. And how work is more important then the the language. He also talk about the defference between mail dominate structure and female dominate structure with the example of two spieces Gorilla and Bonobo. He also talk about the T-SHIRT resurch in Amrica. This resurch is about the...

Middlemarch from Feminist perspective :

The novel Middlemarch is written by George Eliot. The actual name of  George Eliot was Mary Ann Evans. She is well-known for her realism and serious discussion. She is most philosophical in all Victorian novelist. Oscar wild remarked in 1897 that " we found philosophy in fiction in her novel." In the hand of George Eliot novel was not only vehicle for Entertainment but rather means of human predicament. This thing we can see in her book Middlemarch.  The full title of the novel Middlemarch is Middlemarch; A study of provincial life. Middlemarch is name of town and that is why we found so many characters in the novel and every character has there own story  though they connect with the story of Novel. The main  female character whose story we found are  Dorothea Brooke and  Rosamond.  First we see Dorothea Brooke is an intelligent and independent young woman, who differs from the conventional woman of the Victorian Age. She marries with arti...