The novel Middlemarch is written by George Eliot. The actual name of George Eliot was Mary Ann Evans. She is well-known for her realism and serious discussion. She is most philosophical in all Victorian novelist. Oscar wild remarked in 1897 that " we found philosophy in fiction in her novel."
In the hand of George Eliot novel was not only vehicle for Entertainment but rather means of human predicament. This thing we can see in her book Middlemarch. The full title of the novel Middlemarch is Middlemarch; A study of provincial life.
Middlemarch is name of town and that is why we found so many characters in the novel and every character has there own story though they connect with the story of Novel.
The main female character whose story we found are Dorothea Brooke and Rosamond. First we see Dorothea Brooke is an intelligent and independent young woman, who differs from the conventional woman of the Victorian Age.
She marries with artificial unintelligent old man Edward Casaubon. We found Dorothea's marriage with casaubon as mismatch. Casaubon " a sickly clergyman, old enough to be her father " ( 837) so this became an unconsummated union. She realize this very late after her marriage but as our so cold tradition she remain faithful to her husband but we also see her nature of rebel to society when she married to will Ladislaw. We can say that because she goes against the weal of her husband that if she marry to will she wont get property.
Dorothea's choice of marrying will acts as a defiance to Middlemarch. She her self remarked in novel after marrying will
" I don't mind about poverty. I hate my wealth we could live quite well on my fortune - it is too much seven hundred - a year- and I will learn what everything costs."
We found that she never marry for the same of money but first for the being part of intellectual society and second for the sake of love. Her second marriage is debatable because of whatever written will of Casaubon. But we found that she is more intelligent then the woman we found in Victorian society.
The second most important woman character of the novel is Rosamond Vincy. She come from a familiar with the comfortable lifestyle of middle class society. She marry with Teritus Lydgate, the new doctor of town. She marry with him in her fancy full thought that because he is doctor he will provide her upper calls things and will satisfy her material need. But when her fancy come to end she became unhappy.
But one thing Need to remark here is that she also reaming faithful to hurt husband though he is not able to satisfy her. She sacrifice her need because she is married.
Here we found short Romantic courtship lead to trouble, because both parties entertain unrealistic ideas of each other . They married without getting to know one another . Marriage based on compatibility work better. Moreover marriage in which woman have greater also work better, such as the marriage between Fred and mary. She tell him she will not Marry if he becomes a clergyman.
Two major life choices govern the narrative of Middlemarch. One is marriage and the other vocation.
We found both the woman remaining Faith full to her husband though they are not happy. Because of our society's mindset. Which don't allow woman to come out of this regid Traduction. On the other part Casaubon never trust her wife and thi may become the reason why Dorothea think of second marriage.

Middlemarch is name of town and that is why we found so many characters in the novel and every character has there own story though they connect with the story of Novel.
The main female character whose story we found are Dorothea Brooke and Rosamond. First we see Dorothea Brooke is an intelligent and independent young woman, who differs from the conventional woman of the Victorian Age.
She marries with artificial unintelligent old man Edward Casaubon. We found Dorothea's marriage with casaubon as mismatch. Casaubon " a sickly clergyman, old enough to be her father " ( 837) so this became an unconsummated union. She realize this very late after her marriage but as our so cold tradition she remain faithful to her husband but we also see her nature of rebel to society when she married to will Ladislaw. We can say that because she goes against the weal of her husband that if she marry to will she wont get property.
Dorothea's choice of marrying will acts as a defiance to Middlemarch. She her self remarked in novel after marrying will
" I don't mind about poverty. I hate my wealth we could live quite well on my fortune - it is too much seven hundred - a year- and I will learn what everything costs."
We found that she never marry for the same of money but first for the being part of intellectual society and second for the sake of love. Her second marriage is debatable because of whatever written will of Casaubon. But we found that she is more intelligent then the woman we found in Victorian society.
The second most important woman character of the novel is Rosamond Vincy. She come from a familiar with the comfortable lifestyle of middle class society. She marry with Teritus Lydgate, the new doctor of town. She marry with him in her fancy full thought that because he is doctor he will provide her upper calls things and will satisfy her material need. But when her fancy come to end she became unhappy.
But one thing Need to remark here is that she also reaming faithful to hurt husband though he is not able to satisfy her. She sacrifice her need because she is married.
Here we found short Romantic courtship lead to trouble, because both parties entertain unrealistic ideas of each other . They married without getting to know one another . Marriage based on compatibility work better. Moreover marriage in which woman have greater also work better, such as the marriage between Fred and mary. She tell him she will not Marry if he becomes a clergyman.
Two major life choices govern the narrative of Middlemarch. One is marriage and the other vocation.
We found both the woman remaining Faith full to her husband though they are not happy. Because of our society's mindset. Which don't allow woman to come out of this regid Traduction. On the other part Casaubon never trust her wife and thi may become the reason why Dorothea think of second marriage.
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