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Talk with the author and blogger Bhupendrasinh Raol.

Today We have an talk with blogger and author Bhupendrasinh Raol in our department Department of English of Bhavanger University.
Who talk with about the his book Rasayanik Gita. In this book he talk about the Human behavior and how it is connected with the human's biological cycle.

He critisied that Evey aspect of the human behavior is connected with the biological cycle rather then phycological thing. He also give reason that why he gave title of the book as Rasayanik Gita.  He also talk about the new field of phycology is revolutionary phycology.  He also say that In new phycology they started to believe that the Soul of the human is brain. He also talk about the difference of two country. And how work is more important then the the language.
He also talk about the defference between mail dominate structure and female dominate structure with the example of two spieces Gorilla and Bonobo.
He also talk about the T-SHIRT resurch in Amrica. This resurch is about the DNA and especial small in that. He also say that whatever we do in our life is most of for stutas seeking.  Stutas seaking is from our our ancestors to us.
And he also say that this all thing he mansions in his book Rasayanik Gita. He also gifted one copy of book to our department.


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