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Movie review : The scarlet letter.

The scarlet letter is a novel written by  Nathaniel Hawthorn. As We know that there is always a movie on literary text. And watching movie on any text gave us better understanding of the text. So we also whatch movie based on that text.

The movie we saw was a Version 1995. It was directed by Roland Joffé and stars Demi MooreGary Oldman, and Robert Duvall. This version was "freely adapted" from Hawthorne and deviated from the original story.  

When we talk about movie and symbol in it we see very first that when she say that she will live in her own house all people on table are shocked as if she has committed some sin. We see that it something unnatural for them that a woman lives alone or she has her own house.

When we talk about woman we see that  there are two things remarkable about them. First we see that hair is symbol of beauty so all the woman in movie always cover their hair. Second thing in movie is all the woman looks alike Nun. 

There is one thing we see that courage of Hester in movie and in novel is same.

One thing I feel is that the Hester loves to live near nature  which in  turn hints at the conflict between nature and culture. Culture always have restrictions where as nature has freedom. And Hester do not want to live as the society wants her to live. She wants to live her own way and her own rules.

According to me this movie shows that,

Intimacy is forbidden and passion is a sin, love is most defiant crime of all.


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