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Harry Potter and Christianity.

Name                  :     Jeel   j. Vyas
Roll No               :     10
Paper No            :      12. New Literature
Class                   :     M.A. Sem – 4
Topic                  :      Harry Potter and Christianity.
Enrolment No    :    2069108420190045
College                :   Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English 
Email ID             :
Submitted          :    Department  of English M.K.B.University

Abstract :  Harry Potter is one of the most famous series of Children’s Literature.  Author of the series is J.K. Rowling. The series is divided in to seven books. Through Harry Potter J. K. Rowling has created a new world. The world is wizarding world ; which has all that things which our world has. When we look that world it is as similar as our is. The prorated of the series is Harry Potter and the antagonist of the series is Lord Voldemort. When we look at both of there character we found that both of them are similar to each other. The one thing that makes them different is their choice. The Choice of Harry are more towards humanity. He always try to do something that is in favour of humanity. There was no one who tells him to do so but he still makes that choice so that he can do some better work for wizarding world. This thing allow so may people to connect him with the Christian God  Jesus. This allows so many people to connect Harry Potter series with the Christian. Apart from this there are other points as well which allow people to connect with Christian or there are some points as well which Christianity opposed.
        In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J. K. Rowling drew numerous “religious parallels” between the motif of “dying and rising”. There is centrality of death and resurrection of Harry Potter like that of Jesus Christ. The major themes interspersed in this novel are death living in a corrupted society and its different forms. Contemporary critics have compared them to Christian allegories. The way Christ has given his life to Humanity the same Harry had done. They both have to faced problem. The one difference is that at the end of all problem Jesus has to die. But Harry won over Voldemort and able to manage to get good life. Harry Potter is one of the most clearly identifiable examples of a Christ figure in contemporary fiction,” said Garrett, English professor at Baylor University and a Christian author
          Apart from the Idea of Christ and Harry Potter there are so many things on this religious debate is  continuing. The very first thing about which debate is going on is of Good and evil. When we look at Harry Potter series we found that in that there is lot of things about this idea of good and evil. But on part of Christian Community there are still divided over the question of whether or not the Harry Potter movie series will cast an evil spirit over children. Themes of evil, salvation, sin, sacrifice, witchcraft, and the occult run through every storyline. But some Christian leaders say there are other positive messages for young audiences.
               On one side of the debate, some Christians leaders agree that the Harry Potter series is “just fantasy” and generally acceptable for the Christian reader, including Chuck Colson of Breakpoint, the editors of World Magazine, and Connie Neal, the author of What’s A Christian To Do With Harry Potter?
However, occult experts, Marcia Montenegro of Christian Answers for the New Age, and Caryl Matrisciana, author of Gods of the New Age, disagree with their Christian peers. Both have personal experience in the occult before becoming Christians. They warn that the cult is serious business and impressionable minds grasp on to ideas like those presented in the world of Harry Potter. So this is how the debate about Good and evil in Christianity and Harry Potter has going on. He said the series does not impose thoughts of evil and witchcraft throughout. They also deal with issues of free will, moral choice and the transformational power of self-sacrifice.
             It is widely known that The Holy Bible is the most-printed book in the world. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling tops the New York Times list of best-selling book series of all time. One reason that these two popular books have reached such high levels of recognition could be that they deal with universal themes in all great works of literature: the internal struggle of good and evil and the message that love will always triumph in the end. Interestingly enough, when broken down, the two books also seem to share similarities in plot. Although the Harry Potter series and The Bible are two very separate works of literature, they have several comparable features.
              Also we can see that Harry believes that Dumbledore can see him under his invisibility clock. That thing can not done by any other wizard from wizarding  world. According to The Bible, God is present in our hearts, and His spirit remains with us always. The Bible describes God words to his followers: Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. God promises never to abandon us just as Dumbledore tells Harry that he will never leave him. When Harry worries about Dumbledore leaving the school, Dumbledore replies, I will only truly have left this school when none here are loyal to me  Even after his death, Harry remembers his old headmasters words and feels comforted. Dumbledore is also known as the greatest defender of Muggles as God is known as the greatest defender of the weak. In the Beatitudes of Matthew Gospel, God promises that those who are poor in spirit will be rewarded, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Throughout the Bible, readers witness God 's love for the humble, poor, and broken. He promises them the riches of heaven once they leave this world. The Wizarding world is quite aware of Dumbledore 's love for Muggles. He continuously works for their protection against Death Eaters who believe that witches and wizards should rule and common folk should be the subservient class. In his time on the Wizengamot, or wizards jury, Dumbledore instilled laws calling for the protection of Muggles – again proving his love for them.
       When we talk about the issue with the book we see that the very first  issue with the book is of fantasy world and real world.  Richard Abanes, one of the most vocal critics of Harry Potter, acknowledges that "most fans of the Harry Potter series believe that nearly everything in the books are [sic] mere product of Rowling's fertile imagination. He also accepts that Rowling has "studied mythology and witchcraft in order to write her books more accurately"  however, Abanes sees a more sinister function to Rowling's incorporation of legitimate historical materials. Says Abanes, the "vast amount of the occult material [Rowling] has borrowed from historical sources still plays a significant role in modern paganism and witchcraft." He argues that the books and films "could easily present a spiritual danger to children and teens, or even adults, who are either leaning toward occultism or who may be vulnerable to its attraaccuratelyl. In other words, simply by reading Harry Potter, a child could be drawn to "real" occult practices, whether or not the books and films are faithful representations of such practices.
            The dichotomy of fantasy versus reality is a cogent means of defining perspectives in regard to the Harry Potter phenomena. Supporters argue that Harry Potter is a work of fantasy appropriate for consumption by children, some say with parental guidance. Both Christians and non-Christians argue this point. 
        The one of the most burning issue is ; is Harry Potter Secular of Religious ? Harry Potter debate is the issue of whether the books and films should be viewed as secular or as religious objects. those who support the presence of Harry Potter books in public schools will often claim both that the books and films are fantasy and that they present a positive moral ("good") role model for children. Critics often argue either that Harry Potter represents a dangerous ("evil," real) religious point of view or that at the very least, Harry Potter should be perused under the watchful supervision of parents who serve as positive moral guides.
              Critics of Harry Potter claim that the books and films are anything but secular and fiercely object to their presence in a public school environment. The Harry Potter books topped the 1999 list of most frequently challenged books in America. As of November 2000, the Harry Potter books had been challenged more than 400 times in over 25 school districts in nineteen states. Ogden Carson, a third-grader at West Ridge Elementary School in Colorado at whose school Harry Potter was banned, says, "To me if people don't want kids reading these books, their kids shouldn't be in public school. They should be in private school - Christian school." The issue is anything but simple. The church of All Saints in Guilford, Surrey, had a special "Harry Potter Family Service," complete with changes to the Church of England liturgy.To make matters more complicated, Gloucester Cathedral was used as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the films. Indeed, if the Harry Potter books and films can be charged both with representing a role model appropriate for Christian children and a slippery slope into the occult, how is it possible to claim they are not a religious tinder box ?
             Is Harry Potter to be viewed as a religious phenomenon? Absolutely, says Richard Abanes. The books and films present a religious worldview, which includes a smattering of "Buddhism and reincarnation," Roman, Greek, and Celtic mythology, astrology, Arthurian legend and Druid symbolism  "Also plentiful," Abanes adds, "are Rowling's many references to various demonic entities deeply connected to magic, witchcraft, and sorcery" Does it matter, as supporters claim, that Harry Potter does not offer an accurate picture of Wicca, or is it enough that the books present any form of witchcraft, and that they have been used also in a Christian csymbolis ?Rowling herself does not see the books as religious and does not approve of book-banning. She says to Diane Rehm, "No book is going to be for every child ... If we ban every children's book that makes mention of magic or witches or wizards ... we are going to be removing three quarters of the classics from the bookshelves.”  So this is how we see the religious and secular debate in Harry Potter.
          This is how different ways the Harry Potter and Christianity is connected with each other. There are some people who contact Jesus with Harry on the other hand some people who have problem of reality and fantasy. Some say that in Harry Potter show that of you break re that is ok. Because in Harry Potter he brake rule for Killing Voldemort. And then prised for it. But in Christianity they shows that breaking a rule for any shake is not good. So this is how on various things debat between Christian and Harry Potter lovers is going on. 

Bibliography :

Coleman, R. Leigh. Harry Potter: Still a Christian Debate on Heaven and Hell. 11 Sep 2011. 07 maech 2020 <>.

LeBlanc, Douglas. The Trouble with Harry. 11 jun 2009. 07 March 2020 <>.

Massy. Harry Potter and The Holy Bible: A Comparison. 6 March 2012. 07 March 2020 <>.

Shedge, Dr.Vasant R. "Death and Resurrection :Religious Parallels in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." Epitome Jouranls 2.7 (2016): 5.

Wagner, Rachel L. "Bewitching the Box Office: Harry Potter and Religious Controversy." Journal of Religion & Film 7.2 (2016): 19.


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