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Poem : When We two parted.

The poem When We Two Parted is written by Lord Byron. In this poem port talk about the time when he and his lover had Parted. He expressed his feeling of that time.

In the first stanzas poet say that when we two Parted at that time there was only silence and tears between us. He say that our heart are broken at that the and because of sclience I can hear that voice. We are going to separate for the years your cheek are pale an d cool.

He also talked about that coldness he say that I am not able to understand that if that coldness is because of We are going to separated or it is because you don't have feelings for me.

In the second stanza he talked about the Dew which is very romantic feature but it stay for very less time. So he say that our love also stayed for very less time. Even he talked about the rain which is allegory for rain.

He also talked about the voves and say that all that voves are broken. He further say that when he will alone at that time he will remember her and Sher in his loneliness.

He laid say that you have broken my heart to that limit that now your name is becomes a sad feeling for me. He say that now whenever I will listen your name it will gives me a pain. He  also say that some time my mind question my heart that if you really know her.

He say that our love is secret for world and this secret brings pain for me. When you desied to Parted I kept sclience and this sclience gave me grief. Ha also say that of we meet after years then how should I great you ? With my tears or with my sclience. 


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