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Web quest Activity on Harry Potter

Hello Readers, 

We (Jeel Vyas and Ashish Pidhadiya) are studying  in Department of English of Bhavanger University.

On 15th January 2020 our HOD and Professor Dr. Dilip Barad introduce us with the new activity Which is Web Quest activity. We have to do this activity while watching the Film Serious of Harry Potter.

To know what is Web Quest Click Here.

Sir has provided us some of the topic which are mentioned below. while waiting Movie we have try to find example of the topic mentioned below. And we have to find out three veluable resources and try to look at the main argument of the resource.

Topic given by sir :

  1. Feminist reading of Harmonie's charachar in Harry Potter.
  2. Discuss on purity of Blood and Harry Potter.
  3. Confronting reality by reading fantasy.
  4. Self help culture and Harry Potter
  5. .The Discourse of power and politics in Harry Potter.
  6. Children's Literature and Harry Potter.
  7. Sepculative Literature and Harry Potter. 
  8. The theme of choice and chance. 
  9. The theme of love and death.
  10. Moral and philosophical reading of Harry Potter. 
  11. Christianity and Harry Potter series. 
  12. What  is your opinion on this :

From the Topic above mentioned we have to write blog on any five topic. The  topic I have choose is mentioned below.  
To look at my argument and example please click on the topic Which are mentioned below.

    1. Feminist reading of Hermione' s character in Harry Potter.
    2. Discuss on purity of Blood and Harry Potter.
    3. The discourse of power and politics in Harry Potter.
    4. Children's literature and Harry Potter.
    5. The theme of love and death.
    We also have to fill one worksheet To view our worksheet please click here.

    Apart from this we also have to make a chart in which we have mension some of the points from every movie.  

    Topic Which I have mension in chart from every movie. 

    To view chart click here.

    we also evaluating our web quest. To view our rubric please click here.  


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