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Metaphysical poetry

                     The word metaphysical comes from Greek word  metaphysics. The word which literally means ''  beyond nature '' Metaphysics studies questions of a think beyond or above nature.

                              Like this metaphysical poetry has also its hidden meaning. For poetry metaphysical word first used by Dr. Samuel Johnson. It was in the life of Abraham  Cowley. when first Samuel Johnson used term metaphysical poetry to John Donne and his follower it was in negative  sense.


   So basically the term metaphysical poetry has been evolved by  Samuel Johnson to identify the poetry of school of Donne and his follower. All the metaphysical poets were man of learning, they were the degree holders of reputed university of England.

  1. John Donne   ( The chief )
  2. Andrew Marvell
  3. George Herbert
  4. Richard  Crashaw
  5. Henry Vaughan
  6. Katherine philips
  7. Abraham Cowley

  1. Analyze the subject matter from an intellectual viewpoint. A metaphysical poet would not  simply deal with feeling of love, he would analyze it. And try to understand its higher purpose and meaning.
  2. Heavy use of literary devices like paradox pan and irony to convey subject matter. A metaphysical poetry also use a colloquial language. Donne for intense use the phrase '' busy old fool '' in his poem '' The Sun Rising ''.
  3. Random or irregular style. Many metaphysical poem have a distinct style often using ''rough material''or''packed line''. Take a look at George Harbert's '' The Collar '' for an example of this chaotic and rather disordered form.
      One of the best example of  metaphysical poetry is John Donne 's " The Flea ". 

  The Flea is deal with the expression of theme of love. The poem is address by a lover to his beloved. As we know that metaphysical poet used image form different areas here we can see that Donne bring image from biology. 
He says him that you refuse my proposal but our blood has become one already. When beloved doesn't able to understand what the lover is saying he explain her. The lover says his beloved that flea first stuck her blood and now it sucked his blood. 
   The lover says this place become our church of marriage and also their bad room. The two blood have become one but she has not lost either her honor or reputation. It has brought nighter sense of same price sin. 

             Andrew Marvell is also one of the well-known metaphysical poet. He also wrote this kind of poem. His  one of the best poem is "To His Coy Mistress".

    The word Coy means shy and Mistress means beloved. In this poem lover talk about his shy beloved. Lover thinks that his beloved's coyness is crime. Lover says that I can do anything for you. He even can find rubies from Indian Ganga side . Lover tells that he love before ten years. According to Christian mythology world is created after the flood. So lover tells her beloved that I love you before the world created. Lover compare his lover with vegetable. Comparison between love and vegetable is very different than normal thinking. 

He also tells that I can praise your each part to the years. He also says that after her death her virginity terns to dust. So what is use of this kind of virginity. The poet says that we can not make there our own sun but run with it.  Here the sun is symbol of time. Lover says that they cannot stop  time but they can run with it. 

Like this metaphysical poets brings images from so many different places. There comparison is so much different than places like Engineering, Agriculture, Architecture, Geography, Geometry and so on. This kind of imagination is symbolical. We find so many symbol for different symbol in metaphysical poetry.This has become an out standing fetcher of metaphysical poetry.



  1. good attempt.......

    structure wise good and upto the point ...

    keep going ....

    you can include more things but this is also good


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