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Movie screeing Lagan once upon a time in India.

                   On 15th August 2018 on the day of independence we watched the movie " Lagan once upon  a time in  India."   ( 2001)  directed by Ashutosh Gowariker

Here I am giving my opinion about the movie.

From common man's eye lagan is a 'MASALA' film. we find love triangle in it. But if we look through the eyes of literature we find many layers in it.

The setting of the film is historical. The year in which story takes place is 1893. The British force villagers to pa heavy tax. At that time they called it Lagaan. The word which became the title.

From the beginning we find the conflict between Rushal (the English captain ) and Bhuvan ( the hero ).  Because of that conflict story gets its way. When the villagers go to request to king that they won't able to pay   
'dugun lagaan' because Rushal is already angry with Bhuvan  he gave him challenge to play cricket  and say that if they win all for three year he forgive their lagan and if they lose the have to pay ' tiguna lagaan'. Bhuvan accepts his challenge. The story line take place form this incident.

Religion plays vital role in movie. king says Rushal that people believe that they are suffering because from last year they do not do worship in village which is near their village. King says that because of his bad relations with that village' king . If  Rushal request that  King he will allow his villagers. During this talk when Elizabeth  ( second heroien ans sister of Rushal ) offers king meat and king says I am vegeration. Rushal says that if he will eat meat he wiil granted  his wish. But king refuce. Because it is against his religion. In his anger Rushal says that now villagers have to pay 'duguna lagaan'. 
Secondly we find that when villagers wont able to win match thay pray to god. This things show mentality of people that when we stucked in something we feel that the god is only solution.

Ruler life:
We find Indian ruler life shown in good way. Their homes clothes and food habits and even their pad gloves are also design like that way.
During that time India is not much develop. People for their basic needs need like water has only source is rain. There is no other option available to better life. 

People of that time believe in destiny kind of thing. This thing we find when Guri ( the heroine ) shows her hand to know about his future. 

Leadership  quality : 

The leadership quality of  Bhuvan is shown in very good  manner. He bravely accepted the challenge. Though he don't know any thing about the game even he don't know the name of game. He never lose hope in in any condition. When people of village refuse him to support he use different tricks. Because of his tricks villagers agree to take part. We see his leadership in whole play. 

India's one of the most big problem is shown in movie. The character of kutchra is untouchable. So other people of village refuse to play with him. But Bhuvan speech they convinced and agrra to play. 

Work of lakha and Elizabeth:

Though both of them are aganist their people there is difference between them. Elizabeth is against his brother because she found him wrong. He is doing wrong with the villagers. But on the other side lakha is against Bhuvan because of his jealousy he thinks that because of Bhuvan Guri is not ready to Mary with him. 


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