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Post truth

                Post truth is the word which is selected as word of the year by Oxford English dictionary in the year 2016.
           According to Oxford dictionary post truth means,
                 "Relating to or denoting circumstances in which facts are less influential in shaping public opinion then appals to emotions and personal belif."
              In a simple words we can say that post truth is a fact but not a real truth just a created truth.

                The Simple example of post truth is that post truth is a truth which is used by "udhishthir" in Mahabharata as  "Narovakunjrova" 

                   Most of the universal truth are also example of post truth.For example sun raise in east and sets in West.we all know that sun never rice or set. But then even we believe and speak like we can say that this is also example of post truth.

Generally post truth is used by media or politics. Recently we find example of post truth. That one of the poliction recently say that,
"On the death bed humayu told baber to respect cows and braminns." 

 But actually the Humayu was the son of Babur and Babur died before Humayu.still this things are spread by media.

So we can say that media used post truth more.


  1. Well said, you have included recent examples from news paper it reflects your understanding of concept. Keep it up.


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