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Paradise lost

          The paradise lost is written in 12 books. The idea of this is come from the Story of creation. Book 9 is a climax of the story of paradise lost. In this we can see the fall of Man. In the 9th book where the Eve ate the Apple ( Fruit of Knowledge ) and God became angry and decided to give punishment. The remarkable difference we see in Genesis and Paradise Lost is in the character of Eve. In Genesis she regretted on whatever she has done while in Paradise Lost and argue and take stand for her self.


Here in this blog I am trying to give answer of questions given us.

Question 1 write a critical note on character of Eve.

We find vast difference between character of Eve in Bible and in Milton's Eve. She is created from Adam’s rib as his helpmeet. She is beautiful, wise, and able. When Satan see her first time for a while he forget about his revenge. She is the one who first eats the forbidden fruit and convince Adam to eat it. We find Eve's argument are more stronger and also shows her intellect, Eve tells,

            " How are we happy, still in fear of harm?
But harm precedes not sin: only our Foe
Tempting affronts us with his foul esteem "

       Here we find that when Adam says be careful god has said that Satan will come to harm us as well as she also taking about happiness so Eve Argus against Adam and speak this sentences.
        In paradise lost Eve is quite different then the Eve of Bible. Milton's Eve was rebellious, intellect and also speak with arguments.

    Question 2 whose argument did you find more convincing ?

     I found Eve's argument more convincing because we find logic in her argument. When she was talking with Satan we find that she was not easily accept want he says but she asked questions to him. And after gating proper answer she accepted his saying. We find when serpent pressing her a lot she says,

       "Serpent, thy overpraising leaves in doubt
The virtue of that Fruit, in thee first proved. "

       We found that in first time she is not really accept what serpent says. Here we can also see her intellect that if someone is praising a lot that means that is something wrong.

          "Let us not then suspect our happy state
Left so imperfect by the Maker wise
As not secure to single or combined.
Frail is our happiness if this be so" 

     Here she directly attacking God that if God make the Eden and in that if we have to leave in frail so what is the use of it. If God is Procter then why we have to leave in frail.
  If I got chance to add something in argument so I add in part of Eve in reply on Satan's statement.
   Satan says, He knows that in the day
Ye eat thereof your eyes, that seem so clear,
Yet are but dim, shall perfectly be then
Opened and cleared, and ye shall be as Gods,
Knowing both good and evil, as they know.
That ye should be as Gods, since I as Man,
Internal Man, is but proportion meet—
I, of brute, human; ye, of human, Gods.
So ye shall die perhaps, by putting off
Human, to put on Gods-death to be wished. 

    If I was in place of Eve I would like to reply that
        " If God is this much selfish then why he is God and why he created all this why he created us why he gave us life and happiness.?" 
       Question 3 How do you look at Divine perspective in Genesis of the Bible and Human perspective in John Milton's paradise lost book 9.
       Before Renaissance the world was God centric and after Renaissance we find world is Human centric. This is one of the major change of Renaissance. All those 'stories' in scriptures (mainly The Holy Bible) which were said from the Divine perspective were retold from Human perspective
  In Genesis the fall is narrated from God's perspective. The character of Eve Adam and Satan are flat and emotionless. Many questions remain unanswered in God's justice.

In Milton's paradise lost book 9 we find the same story told from Human perspective. 

 We find Eve eat the fruit was to gain  Knowledge to know good and evil. To giving intention is in favor of human rather than God.

     Secondly we find Adam has also reason of doing that. He disobey God out of his love towards the Eve.
Literary writers, however hard they try, can't be on the side of God or religion at the cost of humans. Human virtue and vise are raw material of literature. Literature is made by made for and made of human beings. In literature, all other perspectives zero down to Human perspective. The center of literature is human beings.


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