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Movie review : Robinson crusoe

         Robinson Crusoe is novel written by Daniel Defoe. The full  title of the novel is The life and surprising adventure of Robinson Crusoe.

 This is a adventure story of Robinson Crusoe who is both the narrator and main character. We studied a novel but when we visualize things it give a better understanding. Because of this reason we also see one movie based on novel.

        There are more then one movie based on Robinson Crusoe. We see the movie directed by Luis Bunuel. The story was based on sea voyage.

We can see that the scene of movie are very beautifully directed. If we talk that how faithful movie to novel is? We can say that movie is quite faithful to the novel. But We find that the before life of Robinson Crusoe and his first two voyages are not shown in movie. 

But if we talk about the third voyage and his life on island movie show it in a very good manner. When Crusoe reached island he was alone though he didn't lose his hope and he try to servive and spent twenty eight years of his life in island.

One of the most important seen is his illusion where he see his father. The seen is beautifully directed. Focus of camera is very good. In illusion scene we can only see his father things around him cannot be visible this help us to go deep in his illusion. 

The entry of Friday is showed in a good way. Crusoe's behavior with him  gives as clear idea of  master slave relationship.


Crusoe first teaches him word master and his behavior also that type. After that he save Friday's father and a caption that is also directed well. 

We can see that the movie is quite faithful to the novel. Important scene  are also directed very well.


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