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Youth Festival 2018: Academic Task

Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar  University has celebrated three days of Youth festival which has given the name as Ashvariyam Youth festival. This festival celebrated on 26th October to 28th October. In this festival there were many events like  One Act Play , Skit , Mono-acting , Poetry Recitation , on the spot Painting,  Collage, Cartooning, Rangoli, Installation, Photography , Poster Making , Western group song and solo song , Bhajan , Group Traditional Orchestra  etc. So the task given by Dilip Barad  Sir to watch this events and do critical observation and try to connect with various literary terms.   Among all this events I  was attend the one act play, Western solo song, Rangoli.

Here in this blog I will try to give explanation of things which I like.

1. One act play: 

Frist we must know that whan Aristotle talk about the play he says that play must have five acts. But now a days de find so many play which has only one act and though we consider as a play.
The play I attended is name as sickka ni trigi baju. This play is perform by the student of department of English. In this play they talk about the person from LGBT cast. It shows how our mind is narrow that we do treet them as a human. 
In this we found that not only the person who is from LGBT cast has to suffer but we found that as well as her mother has to suffer with the person
 She has to live the house with her child so she can give her better life because she knows that her husband and mother -In -low never accept this child. This play deal with our current issue. In this play we fell charsis. We also found that the play do not follow any unities. Because we found that LGBT baby name as Kiran grew up and tell her own story on novel as well as win the award. So here he brake the unity of time. We also found that the all the scene are in house of Kiran but last scene was of award fiction so here he brake the unity of place.  They use the taqnic of flace back that Krian her own self tell the story so also brake the unity of action.

The another play which I see was the play Bhrugu Samhita deal with the themes of entanglement of relations, the importance of progeny and also how parentage formed the most important parameter of one's identity, etc.This play is more about intergue and destiny. We see in this play that how destiny can ruined once life. What ever happened with the main character in play is because of his destiny. So it is more Classical but also has morden touch. 

2. Western solo signin : 
 If I personally speak I do not found it convising because singing more about feel and enjoy. But some time I fell that the person on stage is not enjoy the song because they have to remember lyrics. so in in remembering lyrics they forgrt to enjoy song. And if the person who is singing is  not enjoy song then how can audience enjoy song. So it was less convising to me.

3. Rangoli : 

Most of the Rangoli has tridictional theme. But  I found this rangoli attractive. Because in this the maker used tridictional theme with the technology. Most of the people believe that the tecology us we west of time but this rangoli shows the use of technology. That if you actually konw how to use tecology you can learn from it. Thai Rangoli aslo get prize and renk.


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