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Poem : Daffoldis

The poem Daffodils was written by william Wordsworth. He was one of the major poets of his time. He honored as England's poets laureate. He was a nature poet who helped to coin the team Romanticism in English literature.

In this poem he talked about the flower Daffodils. He saw thousand of flowers besides the lake. This poem has four stanza and each stanza  have six lines.

In the first stanza speaker says that wandering like a cloud and floating above hills and valleys at that time he encounter a field of daffoldis besides a lake. He say that when he wandered lonely he saw the thousands of flower.

I wandered lonely as a cloud.

He saw the dancing, fluttering flowers stretched endlessly along the shore and though the waves of lake and danced  beside the flowers

Besides the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

He says that the crowed of flowers looking like twinkling stars in milky way. The daffoldis outdid the water in Glee. The speaker says that a poet could not help but be happy in a such a joyful company of flowers.

A poet could not be but gay
In a such a jocund company! 

He says that he stared and stared but did not realize what wealth the scene would  bring him. Now whenever he feels vacant or pensive the memory flashed upon that inward eyes that is the bliss of solitude and his heart fills with pleasure and dance with the daffoldis.
And then my heart with pleasure fills
And dance with the daffoldis. 


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