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Play : All My Sons

Arthur Miller  was one of the best play writer. He was born on 17th October 1915. He was a most creative and fertile play writer and essayist of America.

His first play was The Man who Had All The Luck ( 1944).  Apart from this his noticable work are,

  •  Death Of a Salesman.
  • The Crucible 
  • All My Sons.
He won awards like,

  • Pulitzer prize
  • The Jerusalem prize
  • Austurias award
  • The Datothy and Lillian Gosh lifetime achievement Award.

His creation All my sons was one of the most famous plays. It was based upon the true story which was published in newspaper. There was a story about the some war and that inspire him a lot. The story was about how defective aircraft engine done some damage during the war in Ohio. And this real story creates a plot for play in author's mind. This real story was transformed in to get well known play during the time and that was named as All My Sons.

This play is written in three acts. Joe Keller was the protagonist of the play. The play takes place in John Keller's home's  backyard.

Joe and Kate Keller are the main character, who are in center of the play. They have two son Chris and Larry Keller. It was quite happy family. But one incident brings disaster in their life.

Once there was a case on joe's factory for production of the defective cylinder heads. Joe and his partner Steave Server were guilty  for it as per court order. But the real scene was title different. When defective pieces were produced and so Steave called him but Joe gets pneumonia. And he can not go to factory. So he tell Steave that he will take responsibility for it but cover all defective cylinder head and sheaped them out.

Steve trust his friends and do as per he said . Joe was real practical man so he deny that thing in Court.  There was no proof against him because what ever he did he was on phone and at that time phone call are not provebale as it is now. So Steave was sent to prison and Deever family is distroyed.

Because they can not able to face society they sifted to New York. Annie Deever who was the engaged with Larry stays alone because Larry was fighter plan pilot and he can not bear near the incident and so he wrote a letter to Ann. He wrote :

'' I can not bear near to live anymore. I can't tell you how I feel... I can't face anybody... I want you to know that you must not wait for  me."

We can easily judge cause of this dialogue that Larry is real solider that he can not face the reality that his father was the reason of twenty o e solider's death. So commited suside and was reported missing by Army as per his plan.

Ann and her brother George Deerver used to think that their father was gulity as per the Joe's statement in court. So they leave them on their own.

When Joe come to know about this thing makes him gulity. So he try to convince them that because that time was cricule  and whtw ever happened was because of war situation. He said that because situation was wrong Steave make mistake so they must furgive him.

George also realized something so he wemy to meet his father in jail. He is now lawyer so he understands what his father said. So he come to Joe kellKell home. When play was performed Ann was at Joe home because she now loves Chris bad she wants to get married with him now. When George center to know about the truth he said to Ann. You are not going to marry him and you must come with me. But Ann refused and decided to stay at home with Chris.

But till it Chris never believe that his father is guilty and he used to trust his father only. But at the end of act 2 he come to know that his father done that mistake and his mistake distory one family who are there neighbor and friend and 21 other family who lost there son during the plan crash because of cracked cylinder head.

This incident shaken h and he decided to leave home and his father Joe and his money which are covered with innocent people's blood. He can not use that money and desiced to leave.

But Joe can't accept that thing because he never thought that he did anything wrong. He thinks that he was enough mature and praciticle. He has to done it for his sons because he has to leave something. Joe  said : who worked for nothing in that war? Did they ship gun or truck... Without price ? Is that clean ? Why am I bad? 

He never realized his mistake and when that stuff come out he tried to prove that he is right. Kate also knows that and so she also tris to cover that point but one more reason was there when their younger son Larry was repoted missing on 25th November. There was a hidden fear in Kate's mind that when Larry is dead if he was  dead them he was surly killed by that defective cylinder head. And his own father become the reason his death.  But her mind was not ready to accept that a son can killed by his own father.  So she never believe that Larry is dead

So Kate firmly believe that, Ann is larry's girl and Chris should not marry Larry's girl. When Kate is not ready to accept that Larry is dead. Then at the at the end Ann revels last latter to her. In which he wrote that she must not wait for him.

When they come to know aboya this Joe realized his terrible mistake and finally Joe accept that he done wrong.
And Joe commit suside. And say not only he was but all my sons. 


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