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Play Tughlaq

Tughlaq is a play written by Girish Karnad in 1964. He is an Indian writer, film director and playwright who prominently work in South Indian Cinema. Originally he uasd to write in kannada language and afterwords translated into English and other Indian language.

His first play Yayati was publish in 1961 when he was only 23 years old. It was a great success. He used to say, I could actually hear the dialogue being into my ears... I was just the scribe. His other work are,

  • Hayvadan
  • Wedding Album
  • Three play
He won so many awrds,

  • Jnanpith Awrd
  • Padma Shri
  • Padma Bhushan

He wrote play Tughlaq in 1964. This play is originally written in kannada language. This is his big success and his best loved play, about the idealist 14th century sultan of Delhi, Muhammad bin Tughlaq. This play can recognize as an allegory on the Nehruvian era which starts with ambitious idealism and ended up in disillusionment. He takes the reference of old historical character Tughlaq and illustrated original political atmosphere of the India. This play is discribe in thirteen scenes and if we compare this with Aritotalian Tragedy then we can clearly describe that, this play is not following rule of Time, place and action. 

Sulatan Tughlaq is main character of this entire play. We can say that the whole play and whole story take place just because of sultan Tughlaq and this play is entitled ad Tughlaq. 

Tughlaq is sultan of India when the curtain raises and that was a time of 14th century. The play started with a crowed. In that crowd there is a young person who symbolic youth of that time who actually like Tughalq. Another old  Person who symbolic old aged people of Tughalq's kingdom. The other one is Hindu who represent the Hindu cast.

When play starts they talking about a case. One Hindu Brahmin, named vishnu prasad, filed a case against Tughlaq, that some officers secized his illegally and so he wants justice and in return he gets 5oo silver dinars  and job in government scetor. This is Tughalq's order that any hindu Person can suit case against sultan and judge should   be impartial, while judging a case against sultan too. This can be Tughalq's political point of view that if Hindu can suite a case against sultan then they feel trust on sulatan and may be sulatan can trust worthy for Hindu. But this thing gone against him. As Hindu file case against him so muslim can not trust him. Hindu also take this thik in wrong way that only We can file the case so there is some trap. This is how his political ideas goes wrong and political situation becomes worst during that time.

Maun plot of the entire play is transferring the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad. He point out that

Delhi is too near the border and the most important factor is that Daulatabad is city of hindu and as a capital it will symbolize the bond between Muslim and Hindu in my kingdom.

But when Amirs of Delhi go threw nthis matter they think that this is another trap for Muslim people. First they should move to Daulatabad as per Amirs should live in capital and another reason is vary clear that it is city of hindu. So hindu can be in power structure of politics.

So if we think on political issue of this discion  then  we can say that this another plan of Tughalq is also failed and his political situation becomes weaker and weaker.

He also announced that coper coin and it costs as silver coins. It also became  disaster for economical condition of his Kingdom.

Here we can also think about mind and mentality of Tughalq. He is blamed by Sheikh Imam-Ud-Din as he is the killer of his own father and brother. He killed them for throne and also arrange a meeting in kanpure. Because of this sheikh's and people of kanpure United and started rebel against Tughalq. But afterwards sheikh came to Delhi for the same topic and this can becibe biggest rebel against sultan.

Tughalq find a political solution of this point. Sheikh was arrange a meeting with people but Tughalq himself arrange a grand meeting of sheikh with people and after that sends his army to door to door of Delhi amd they stopped people for reaching for meeting. It is trap for sheikh Imam-Ud-Din. He is failed to announce meeting and so he is order by sulatan Tughalq that, you have to be my official envoys. 

In any other condi sheikh will never say yes to that proposal but by that time he has to say yes to his proposal cause he void to it. He went it was a trap of sultan. Sulatan was attacked by Aim-Ul-Malik, governer of Avadh. So he sent Sheikh for envoys in Royal dress and Aim-Ul-Malik and his army kills him in his illusion of sultan case. When Aim-Ul-Malik feel free that time sulatan and his army comes in front and take the situation under control. This manner he solved his two problem together.

As politics is one aspect of the play another aspect is Tragedy. This play is on sulatan's mind and life so it is general that it is Tragedy of sulatan.

When people were tarnsffred from Delhi to Daulatabad so many children and old aged people meat with death. Because of it people started hating sulatan and after facing so many problem in Daulatabad sultan realises that Delhi is the only place where he and his entire kingdoK was safe.

We see that for throne he killed somany people. We found that after this much he atlast stays alnoe and helpless.


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