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Poem : The Fly

The poem The Fly was written by William black. He was an English poet, painter and paint maker. He was largely unrecognized during his life time. He is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the both the poetry and visual art of the Romantic age.

This poem has a five stanza and each stanza has four line. The poet written this poem in very simple language.

Little fly 
Thy Summer's play
In this poem poet  has used the little as an adjective for fly. The poet has confessed that he had brushed away the fly thoughtlessly. It was the Season of summer.
Am not I
A fly like thee?
 Or art not thou
A man like me.
Poet compares  himself with fly. He is also a little create in the whole universe.  Fly and poet both are mortal. Poet wishes if he would be the fly.
For I dance
And drink and sing.
He could be care free and happy. He could enjoy the life until unseen and blind hand (of god) takes away his life.
If thought is life
And strength and breathe.
He says that if he put his thoughts into his action then and only then it can give liveliness to his life. If he only thinks and does not open then it is death.
He added that if he wouldn't work upon his wishes his life would be same as a fly's life.
The poem has been written with the philosophical  insight using very simple language. The poet had mastery in this type of poetry writing.

Hidden meaning of poem : 

Poet has added philosophy in his poem. According to him the very existence of the humen beings is very minor in the whole universe. The God can control his life easily. Anything in his hand can take away our life.

Human being has given additional skill of thinking. He can think and can work upon whatever he thinks. If he would not work for that what he wants; his life is as useless ad of Fly's. His existence would be proven meaningless.

His life only limited to eat, drink, and be marry. The undertones of the poem gives very didactic message i.e. life is meaningful. One should make it worthy by living for cause.


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