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Poem : Fame and Friendship.

The poem Fame and Friendship was written by H. A. Dobson. He was an English poet and Essayist. His official career was uneventful but as a poet and biographer he was distinguished.

In the position poet camper two things of our life that is Fame and Friendship. In whole poem talk about that two things. In first stanza poet talk about Fame and in second stanza poet talk about Friendship.

If he has not a friend, he may quit the stage. 
This line was written by Bacon about friend. In the poem poet discussed about Fame and Friendship. In the first stanza poet depicts Fame in detail. According to him Fame is food that a human being becomes famous only after his death. He further desire thay he is not interested in this kind of post hummus fame.

After death man is left alone in the silent tomb in a little light and narrow room, with no companion. In Brief a dead man can obtain fame but he becomes lonley.

In little light and narrow room
They eat in the silent tomb. 

 Poet says that Fame has no friend. Fame always alone. They have no friends to celebrate anything. When he want someone he found him always lonely.
To bid the fester be of cheer.

In second part of the poem the poet express his opinion about Friendship. He considers friendship as a noble then Fame.
But friendship is a nobler thing. 
 According to the poet Friendship is better because ever after the death of human being, he will always remain in memory of his friend.
For truly when a man shall end, 
He lives in memory of his friends.
Poet says that compared to Fame friendship is immortal. According to the poet Friendship is batter then fame. He was favor in friendship.


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