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Poem : Ozymandias

The poem Ozymandias was written by P.B. Shelly. His life was short but intense. He was born in sussex, England in 1792. He was educated at Eton and University college Oxford.

The speaker tall about his interaction with a Traveller. The Traveller has visited the land of sand that is desert. 

When the traveller has visited the land of sand that is desert he has found some antique pieces of one sculpture. It seems that there were some old civilization sietuated. There had truckless leg lied on the sand. The fragmented sculpture also had a head. The face had suck in the sand. 

The face has wrinkled lips and frown. The expression were sneer and egoistic. These expression was perfectly curved by the sculpture, as he had seen it. The expression were still on the stone face. Those were survived. The people,the civilization were fedded out. 

The pedestal had encraved with words.
"My name is Ozymandias king of kings
Look on my works, yet lightty and despair. "  

This lines were suggesting that the king was turant. He had haded over people strictly.  His anger and list of power can be seen. He had also challange the Almighty God to dispair on dictatorship. He might be very proud too.

But in the end as the time passes eveything would be vanished. Everything turn in to clossal wreck, nothing remains forever. Even the sculpture made strong fregmented and broken. At last there is only lonley and bare stand remains. Time is great and powerful. It melts everything into the sand nothing remains forever. 


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