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Movie : The great dictator.

The great dictator is 1940s American political satire and comedy drama. The movie was written, directed   and produced by Charlie Chaplin. Before this he was only Making the silent films well into the period of sounds films, this was his first true sound films.

In 1997, movie was selected by the library of Congress for preservation in United States National film Registry for being cutlery, historically or aesthetically significant.

This note about the co-incidence is it self making fun of things. In the movie we see the look of Barber is same as look of Hynkal and that create confusion in last and that confusion gave us the famous speech.

In this movie we that the slogan of "Hay Hynkal " is as same slogan of the Hitler. It shows that the note about the co-incidence is not like that.

The sculpture in the movie is also symbol. There was a sculpture of great thinker but that was with the greeting of Hynkal that shows that the thinking process of thinker is also under control.  It shows that people of the time are that in control that they are not allowed to think on there own way.

There was also a seen in which Hynkal was playing with balloon. It shows his inner desire or dreaming of being great dictator of the world.

There was also satire on meeting of great leader. That seen is remark that whatever they do is only for publicity or just for the sake of camera. As well as it also shows that they do not care for public but they care for their reputation in public.

There was also seen in which he hold baby in his hand but then he rub his hand with the handkerchief that it shows that his concern is just a show off.

The last speech is singificant for Anti war. The word hope Barber for for the speech.


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