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Movie : Modern Times

Modern Times is a 1936 American comedy film written and directed by Charlie Chaplin in which his iconic Little Tramp character struggles to survive in the modern, industrialized world. 

The movie is social satire on life of people in modern Times.  The movie is set in the years of great depression. The clock in background shows that how life if people is being so busy that they don't even found time for them.

In one seen we saw that there was a metaphor of sheeple mentality. That seen suggest that how people of the time has become. It shows that now people don't think and they just work in manner the first person works.

The philosophical idea of victimization of innocent people are shown in a comical way that how time and again the tramp is taken away to jail by the cops and later he finds comfort in the jail itself. He wants to stay a little more in jail as he could easily satisfy his basic necessities as it was the years of the Great Depression and to survive was very hard for him. The situations of Imprisonment have a deep connection with the struggling years of Independence in India. Many freedom fighters were forcefully sent to the prison.

In this manner we see that the movie reflect the situation of the time of great depression.


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