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The waste Land.

The waste Land is a long poem written by the T. S. Eliot.  This blog is part of my class room thinking activity. In which there are three question which I have answered according to my understanding.

Q : 1. What are your views on the following image after reading "The waste land"? Do you think that Eliot is regressive as compared to Nietzsche's views? or has Eliot achieved universality of thought by recalling mytho-historical answer to the contemporary malaise?

Here we find main thing is of conflict between two thinking proses.  Eliot was believe in supernatural power where as Nietzsche was believe in atheist. But we see that they are right in there own way.

We see that in waste Land  Eliot was talking about the supernatural power, Mythology and various culture. But for Nietzsche for him The God is dead and he says that man can survive and make better future himself.  Eliot is regressive as compared to Nietzsche's view because Eliot connect  thinks from past to present.

According to me Eliot's view of looking and connecting think from past to present is more reliable. Because there is always something in history which helps us to find solution of things. The main thing is to always learn something from history. 

Q: 2  What are your views regarding these comments Is it true that giving free vent to the repressed 'primitive instinct' lead us to happy and satisfied life? or do you agree with Eliot's view that 'salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition'?'

 It is true that giving free vent to the repressed primitive instinct can have us happy and satisfied life. But this thing have some limitations that it can gave happyness to one person. Bad every person's happiness come from different things. There may be happiness of one people which is harmful for others. But according to Eliot if we follow some kind of culture tradition morality that mutual understanding will leads us to peaceful life. 

Q : 3 Write about allusion to the Indian thought in "The waste land"(where, how and why are the Indian thought referred?)

In Eliot's waste Land we see that he referred to different cultures and  tradition, different Mythology. So we found that in same manner he also mentioned Indian thoughts also. 

The allusion to the Indian thought Eliot mentioned in the last part of the poem:

"Ganga was sunken, and the limps leaves
waited for rain, while the black clouds
gathered far distant, over Himvant
The jungle crouched, humped in silence."

Then Eliot gives three 'Da'

1)Datta- to give not only charity but giving oneself for some noble cause.

2) Dayadhvam- Sympathies yourself with the sorrows and suffering of others, come out of your isolation and love into others.

3)Damyata- Self control, control over one's passion and desire.

As per my view, every religion have good thoughts and ideas but Upnishadas idea of peace does not mean just a state of No-war neither it is limited just to men or countries and communities. But it embraces the whole nature and the whole creation.            


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