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Breath : A play.

When we were studying the play waiting for Godot at that time we also see the play titled as Breath. We came across this play because that also comes under the Theater of Absurd. To give complete understanding of theater of Absurd our sir has take the example of this play.

The word Absurd means the meaningless. In philosophy its talks talks about the lacking any meaning that gives purpose of life.

The Theater of Absurd  is post world war two designation for particular play of absurdist fiction. This idea comes in late 1950s. This idea began with existentialist  philosopher Albert Camus's assessment in his essay " The Myth Of Sisyphus" ( 1942 ) that the human situation is essentially Absurd, devoid of purpose. Though no formal Absurdist movement existed as such, dramatist as divers as Samuel Becket, Eugene lonesco, Jean Genet, Artur Adamov, Herold Pinter and few other. They share the pessimistic vision of humanity struggling vainly to find a purpose and to control it's fate. With this view humankind left feeling hopeless and anxious.

This play Breath is only of the 30 second. This play is by the Samuel Beckett.  To understand this play our sir has given us some different video on the same play. I have watch the video and try to analyze according to my understanding. We see that there are different people who made the video on same play.

Video : 1 

The 1st video on this play is directed by Dimien Hirst. The First thing I have noticed is that the sound has changed after pose of seconds between 22 to 25. In this video after 25th second when second when sound  angina started there is changing in it.

According to me this two different sounds are reperstation two world war. When the second sounds ends there is only Darkness we found in video. This end of world war now lead us to Darkness of mind, absurdity of life.  The one more thing I have found that in the end of the second sound there is there is Nazis symbol of hooked cross. The same year of 1945 is also remarkable for the fall of  the Nazis because of death of Hitler.

So we can say that by writing this type of play Beckett wants to talk about the two world war and how it brings Absurdity to life.

Video : 2 

This video is by Liana - Da- Jourdan. In this I noticed that there is a voice of cry in the beginning and in end. Apart from there is food and cane of some drinks are used as prop.Beckett was existentialist  so we can interpret that meaninglessness of life. He may want to convey that during our life we don't do any meaningful think we only do is " Eat drink and marry." The sound of both cry can be symbolized birth and death. The 1st cry is of our cry after birth and last cry can be seen as after death our relatives cry. After death he does not have God and Haven concept so there is nothing in video. Everything become dark.

Video : 3 

This video is by national theatre school first years production class project. We see that they took short from two Angle and there is voice of cry. The voice of cry is symbolized as man and that light can be symbolized as three different religion. But we see that though there is light we won't able to see anything other then garbage. That may indicate that if there is light ( religion) there is nothing meaningful. Which shows that religion never give any meaning to life. Which is also one of the existentialism's idea.

Video : 4 

This video is more modern Interpretation of this play.  In the beginning of the We see there is tree which is standing alone for no reason. Which is shows meaninglessness of life. And to prove this thing we see in video there is people who are walking for no reason. There is also thing of music and that is connect with entertainment but this is used for no reason. There is also joker. Joker always have mask which indicates that we were mask of happiness and hope which will never come.

We see that by looking this different video we can Interpret different things for same play. 


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