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Brief Summary Of Text In Syllabus In The Course On Postcolonial Studies.

Here in this blog I will talk about the texts which are in our Syllabus. But before explaining or giving summery of this text first let me talk about the idea of postcolonial studies. This all units are explained us by prof. Balaji who is from central university of Gujarat.

Basic understanding of Postcolonial  Studies : 

When one Postcolonial Studies the basic understanding is that the literature which is written after the Colonialism and which talk about the the cruelty done by that power is postcolonial studies.

Till the time I have not studied this I have also this limited idea. But letter on our sir has explain the broader idea of postcolonial studies.

The Peter Berry explain that postcolonial is critic and question the thing colonies tell about us, there Interpretation about us. Whenever universal significance is claimed for a work then white euro centric norms and practice are being promoted by a silent of hand to this elevated status and all other  correspondingly related to subsidiary marginalized roles. In this we also find that he talked about three steps In which  postcolonial Literature has developed :

  1. Adopt.
  2. Adapt.
  3.  Adept.       

The other book from which we study this topic is of Ania Loomba. She talked about postcolonialism with the economic dependency. She also talk about that how Colonialism change in Imperialism. She also talk about postcolonial studies in context of Globalization and how post 9/11 changed the world.

 Apart from this Background We also have text which are,

  1. Black skin white mask by Frantz Fanun.
  2. A Tempest by Amie Cesair.
  3. Orientalism by Edward Said
  4.  Imaginary Homland by Salman Rushdi.

1. Black Skin White Mask : 

Black Skin White Mask is book on phycology of black people published in 1952. The book stared out as author  Fanun's doctoral thesis. This makes it hard for  general reader to understand. The book talk's about the strange effect that has on black people during the white rule.

The book is divided in 7 chapter and 8th one is of conclusion.

1.  The black man and language : 

This chapter is conceted with the language that if you don't Know the white man's language then you are unintelligent. Here he talks about that how language for the political. One of the post independent reaction is also talk about this that they rejected the language of white.

2.   The woman of colour and the white man  and 3. The Man of colour and white man: 

This both the chapter are quite similar with each other. Here he talks about the relationship between two different race. And also try to Know that what are the reason that black man or woman wants to have relationship with the white.

To explain this in 2nd cheaper he take the case study of Mayotte.  And in the 3rd chapter he take the case study of Jean Veneuse.

4. The so-called dependency complex of the colonised :

In this part he talks about the franch practice of torture in Mandagascar. He also talk about the racial allocation of guilt. To talk about this he quotes Francis Jeanson. He also say that most native are  content  to put white and to be dependent on them because they feel this as deep need of there heart.  This is dependency complex. Apart from  this they also suffer from this they also suffer from inferiority complex. On the side of white they suffer from prosepro complex.

5. The lived experience of Black man:

In this part he talks about his own lived experience. He say that the reason of there hearted is nothing but just his skin colour. He say that he is not seen as Doctor but a back man who is Doctor. He say that his feeling is not of inferiority but a feeling of not existing.

6.  The black man and psychopathology : 

In this chapter he talked about the two reason that why White people are afraid of Black people.

  1. Black are seen as being way less moral.
  2. White man fear that they will take White womanhood from them.

7. The black man and recognition :

The recognition is one of the stage means understanding, knowledge. He say that let us understand the black from home island of Martinique.

8. By the way of conclusion : 

In his conclusion he ask questions like why we don't understand people as plain and simple man only.  He say that why we have questions of superiority and inferiority. Can we not accept people as they are why there is question like race.

2. A Tempest by Amie Cesair :

The idea of A Tempest is brought from the Shakespeare's play The Tempest. Untill the postcolonial studies arive The Tempest was ariticic creation but the postcolonial change the way of it's looking.

The Tempest can be read in the context of racism, identity, colonial resistance, appropriation of language, rebellion. In this play we found change in undergone character of caliban. He has given the voice which was not given in the Shakespeare's play.

3. Orientalism by Edward said : 

Orientalism can  be discussed and analysed as the corporate institution for dealing  with the orient- dealing with it by making statement about it,  authorizing view of it, describing it, by teaching it, setting it, ruling over it, in short Orientalism as a western style for dominating, restructuring and having authority over the orient.
                    ( Orientalism page 3.)

To read orientalism in detail click here.

4. Imaginary Homland by Salman Rushdi : 

This is collection of essay. In this we see that he wrote about the different things. From this collection we have following essay.

1. Imaginary Homland

This essay is talk about the dispora literature. This essay is also more connected with his novel Midnight's children. About this Novel he himself say in this essay is that,

What I was actually doing was a novel of memory and about memory, so that My India was just that: my mind, a version and no more then one version of all that hundreds of millions of possible Version. I try try to make it imaginative truth is simltaneously honourable and suspect and I Know that my India may only have been one to which I was let's say willing to admit I belong.
In this quote we found his both think about novel he say that he was talking about memory and about India ( his feeling of dispora) that is only in his imagination. Which he never seen.

 2. Attenborough's Gandhi :

This essay is  review of Attenborough's Gandi movie. He say that indian have hebitate to do dedication. But why this English people do that. After reading this question he himself give the ans of this question and give three reason. He also question about absence of Bose, not giving the reason by Godse's killing Gandhi as well as why he don't mention his background.

3.  Commonwealth Literature does not Exist :

According to Rushdi the term  commonwealth is  Literature was a bad.  South Africa and pakistan for instance are not members of commen wealth but there authors apparently belong to its Literature. He say that the effect of creating such a ghetto was is to change the meaning of far broader term English literature.

4. New Empire within Britain:

In this essay he talked about the racism in Britain. He say that britain is undergoing a critical phase of it's colonial phase of it's colonial period and this crisis is not simply economic or political. It's crisis of whole culture of society's entire sence of it's self. Racism is clearly visible part of this crisis.


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