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Girish Karnad.

Girish Karnad was an Indian actor, film director, Kannada writer, playwright and a Rhodes Scholar, who predominantly worked in South Indian cinema and Bollywood. He was died this year. 

When we talk about Girish Karnad We found that he has lived very controversial life. His statement sometimes become so controversial.

When we see this, the statement of Harold Pinter in his Nobel speech (2005) looks very appreciate.

"There are no hard distinction between what is real and what is unreal nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both."

As writer we found one thing is true but as citizen the same thing must be wrong. It is our duty to found the truth.

Here in this blog I try to look up to some write-ups written as obituary on the demise of Girish karnad when he passed away on 10th June 2019.

When we talk about Girish karnad We see that he was famous for his literary contribution but in part of his political career he was more critic.

Famous writer Shri Sandeep Balakrishnan in his article which is published in Dharmadispach in this he describe Karnad as 

" Outstanding political pamphleteer, artful dodger, fine actor,a mediocre director and a terrible play wright." 

He also mentions that karnad drew a parallel between Tughlaq and Jawaharlal Nehru by characterizing both misunderstood Geniuses who were denied their rightful place in history by fascist force of orthodox and regressive Brahmanism. He also mentioned Tipuvina Kanasugalu ( The dream of Tipusultan) was also used peddle the anti-Hindu propaganda.

Apart from this there are also some controversy around him which we see in the Saurabh Saah's FB post. In his post he talk about the controversy like; he helped Arundhati Roy in the case of Afzal Guru. Ha also in favor of the changing the name of Banglore Airport he wanted that the name of airport must on Tipusultan. He was also in favor of kaniya Kumar. And he was also in favor of beef.

But when we are leaving in India which is secular country, in which has right to speak, think whatever one wants to. In this kind of country to judge someone by what he speak or  whom he supports will be the wrong judgment.

This are some views which are against  Karnad. Further I will talk about some views which are in favour.

Karnad was doggedly defended to very end and play reflect this  unbendingly liberal world view that arguably need never to compensate for his privilege gaze, because it was both conscientious and well informed.

The second thing we found that he draws structurally from folk from like Yanshangana. But the play is an ironic presentation of Meta theater that leads itself to complex interpretation.

We also see that he was not only accomplished actor and celebrated playwright but also strong public voice. Who decried Fundamentalism mad defended the freedom of expression.


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