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Method Of English Language Teaching.

When we talk about teaching of language or any other think we must know that how or with which kind of method students learn.

If we talk about perticular English language then we found there are several methods which help students to learn that language. Methods like,

  1. Grammer translation method.
  2. The direct method.
  3. Audio lingual method.
  4. Total physical response method.
  5. Suggestopedia method.
  6. Silent way of teaching.

Here I am answering some questions which are part of ELT task.

1.  Which method appealed you the most?

If we talk about the method then first we must see that whom we are teaching.  Teaching method are always must appropriate to the students rather than teacher.

According to me if the students are from primery level then Total physical response because in this students can have fun and learn. If we are dealing with the students of high school then according to me Direct  method is appreciated because because when they went to higher education then there communication will become more important and in this method they learn English of everyday life. In higher education education According to me both Direct and Audio lingual method is appropriate. Because in out side world communication is much important and this both method focuses on this.

2. Tell something about your favorite method used by your teacher form school till PG. How there method is unique. 

If I talk about my self till 7th standard I have studied thorough Grammer translation method. But in the 8th our sir used to give us peragraph reading or sometime also to write.  This is part of Direct method. I like this method more because through this our Prounciation as well as listing skill both are developing. So I liked that method.

3. Tell something about the method you didn't like from school till PG. Give reason.

The method I don't like is  that one of our give us write speelings five time from the unit and then he used to discribe story in Gujarati. From this technic We learn all hard spelling from the unit but nothing More then that. I don't like that craming of spelling.


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