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Shashi Tharoor view and Interpretation of movies with postcolonial study

Shashi Tharoor  is an Indian politician, writer and a former career international diplomat  who is currently serving as Member of Parliament, Lok Sabhafrom Thiruvananthapuramkerala, since 2009. 

Book : An Era of Darkness 

The full title of the book is An Era of Darkness: The British Empire In India. If we talk about how idea of the book and book it self come to exitance  it has own story. Actually Tharoor went to Oxford Union in 2015 and take part in debate. The topic on which he gave speech is "Does Britian owe reparations to it's on former colonies?" The speech went viral. Subsequently his publisher. Flores the idea to transform speech into book. So, in this way the book An Era of Darkness comes. 

The book is results of speech which has given in Oxford Union. So let me first identify some of the key points from speech. 

  • The very first thing he talks about the economic condition of colonies was actually versent by exist of British Colonialism. He takes the example of India and say that India shares world economic of 23 present when Britian arrived. But by the time they left it was below 4 present.
  •  The next he talk about that during the they steay in India between 15 to 29 million Indian died because of starvation.  The great example of it is great Bangal famen during 2nd world war. Because the food is given to European as stoke by Wingston Churchill. 
  • He further say that violence and racism was reality of colonial British empire.
  • Then he make satire on quote " The sun never set on British Empire. " He say that even god can not trust english in dark.
  • Then ge talks about the Railways. He say that this are made to serve for British not for local people. 
  • Then he talk about the damages done on humanity and cultural part. The dehumanization of Africa. He also talk about massive phycological demand has done. He say that they undermine the social and cultural tradition of natives. 
  • According to him many problem which we found now a days like racism and religious conflict are the results of British Colonialism.

Key points from book : 

  • The point we see in speech are included in book but still there are some other points are also include.
  • The first point in book and in speech is common. He talk about the economic condision of India. But in book we found example from Indian textile market. 
  • According to hum India inherit the rural poverty because of British empowerment. 
  • His conclusion about British Raj is come from following sentence written in his book.
" By the end of 19th century India was biggest source of revenue, worlds biggest purchaser of British exports and source of  highly paid employment for British civil servant and solider all at India's own expense. India paid in other words for privilege  of being conquer by British. "

  • According to hum three inderstree in India was doing good ; textile, still, and ship building all this three systematically, debratly, targeted and distroyed by British. 
  • In this book he also talks about the rules which are regressive. Some of which are still continue today. He say that there are Darrin lows which are misused by state government for tribal offence. 
  •  Further he talk about the low on Homosexuality in section 377. According to him India was very lebral about self exparssion of sexuality. He say that this is Victorian morality which is imposed over India. 
  • He also made one more important point that British are guilty of creating the mess between Hindu and Muslim. Which is contagious today also. Because if they fought together it was become difficult to handle for them. 
This are some other key points which are not mentioned in speech but we can found them in book.

Reading of the films with the postcolonial perpative : 

1. The black prince : 

The Black Prince is a 2017 international historical drama film directed by Kavi Raz and featuring the acting debut of Satinder Sartaaj. This is the story of last Maharaja of shikh Duleep shin. When he was a child he was taken to Britian. As a result of this he was highly colonised mentally as well as physically. His behaviors and his way of thinking is totally like britisher. So ge is not able to realise that he is King and must not behave and think like this people. We see that he was separated from his mother and after so many years he met his mother. His mother told him the story about Britishers that what they did with him in the prior. Then after the death of his mother , he came to know that who is he and which country he is actually belong. He want to go at India but Britishers who deny him to go there.

We see that he come in delama that what he should do? Because he was from India still till this year he considers himself as Britisher even he pratice like them. We see 5hat he was colonised by mind.

2.  Victorian & Abdul :

Victoria & Abdul is a 2017 British biographical comedy-drama film directed by Stephen Frears and written by Lee Hall. The film is based on the book of same name by Shrabani Basu, about the real-life relationship between Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and her Indian Muslim servant Abdul Karim.

In this movie We also see the greed lust of that people. We found that in this queen uses the Abdul as tool so they can have their kingdom in India.

Ngugi - wa- Thiong'o's view in Decolonizing the Mind. 

In this Ngugi-wa-Thiongo talks about the people mind and their language with the postcolonial perpative. He say that we must need to free not only physical way must free from our mind. In this he explained things from four different perspective.

1. The language of African Literature
2. The language of African theater
3. The language of Fiction
4. The quest Relevance.

In this four part Thiong'o' explain that we also need to free from mind.


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