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Movie screening Waiting for Godot

This blog is part of my thinking activity. In this blog we have to answer the question which is asked by our sir about the movie screening of  waiting for Godot. Here i this blog I try to answer the question according to my understanding.

First question is about to find a connection between the painting and the setting of the play Waiting for Godot.  The painting which shown to us is by Caspar David Friedrich.

This painting is may be inspiration for the Play's  setting.  We found similar things in both. The painting is talking about the  Romantic longing. And also talk about the nature has divine power. It say that whatever you want that you think you found in the nature. But Beckett has talk about the nothingness of life. The setting has similarity but then the ideas are different.

The second question is about the importance of tree. If we talk about the tree it stands for two reason. First it is device which help Vladimir and Estragon to specify place. Through to their talk we come to know that this is Willow tree.

Second importance of tree comes from here that Willow tree is great religious significance in Judeo-Christin tradition. It represents the promise of new life as well as chastity also it is a symbol of harmony, strength of rootness stability. The change in the act 2 also become question in the mind of Estragon. It appear to be projecting his own Fractured sence of self onto the tree, here it stands for contrast, lake of self hood that he cannot find a place for him self.

Third question is about to interpret the fall of night and rise of moon.

The night is about the Darkness and Darkness used as symbol of death. So we can say that this this darkness may be symbolic the death. And we can actually say that actually they are withing for death. Moon can be symbolic as judgment day and the fact that death is unavoidable. The moon is for weariness and is tired of watching their never changing lives. There are critic who see the moon as a signal that they can finally stop waiting for Godot.

The next question is about the  debris.  If we want to read any meaning in debris so we can connect it with the world war 2. May be Director wants to show the human material life with this debris. It may shows that everything around us is one day ruined. Nothing is permanent.

The next question is about the nothingness. We see that this nothingness is also theme of the play. There is also a sentence that Nothing to be done. This thing is talk about the existential question of life. We also see that in the play that Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for Godot but they actually don't know him. Even Estragon asked questions like, are you sure that we have to wait here? Even they are not Sure about the name of Godot. So this way it reflects nothingness of life.

E. G. Marshal who played Vladimir in original Broadway production in 1950s, give the statement that "The play We agreed was a positive play, not negative not pessimistic. As I show it with my blood.and skin and eyes, the philosophy is : no matter what atom bomb, hydrogen bomb, any thing life goes on . You can kill your self but you can't kill life. "
According to me this statement is true. Whatever we do we can stop time. By  Stooping time only we can kill life but this is not possible. So this philosophy become true. This play is also shows us that though we all know that we are going to die one day but still we can't stop living life. By knowing this Truth we still work.

In the play Beckett used props like Hat and Boot. This props has their own significance. Hat is symbolize Intellectual mental ability. On the other hand boots symbolize the physical appearance.

Apart from this playing with the Hat also represent the Hindu karmic philosophy. That whatever do or you give to other will return to you. Boots also has other significance that in the 1st act Estragon say this these are not my boots and it is also not feat in his feet. But in 2nd act he say that this are his and that Boot also now not giving him problem. This shows that 1st we don't like something which come to us but at last we accept the think which life gave us and we also stop complaining.

We can not say that behavior of lucky was irritating because it shows that people are not physically slave but mentally also slave. That may be one reason that though Pozzo become blind in second act he was not able to free himself.

The next question is  what is Godot according to you?  So according to me Godot can be desires of person. Which has no end. Once you got you have another. This has no end. The same way Godot will never come.

The next question is about what would be better for this kind of play reading or viewing. To ans this question in general sence is difficult. Because people have different capacity. Some can go as fast as the viewing redeem. But some required reading because they want to think lot on some point. And everything has there own benefit. While viewing you can understand that salience and while reading you can read slowly as well as reading can possibly you can also refer other references.

Next question is about the conversation and If I talk about my self that u like the conversation is of Vladimir and  Boy in both the act. The reason is that the change in talk of conversation in 2nd act. In first Vladimir say that tell him we are waiting but in second act we see that he say that tell Godot that you saw me and I am waiting.  The other thing I like in the second act that after asking the question about Godot.  That does has a beard? Is he fair or black. After knowing answer of the question he say that Christ have have mercy on us! This reply shows that he was waiting for Christ.

If we talk about the effect of Existentialism so we can see that there are many episodes which talks about this effect.  The same thing we found in Vladimir and Estrogen's effort to killing a time. Lucky' s talk which so many people found unnecessary. This talk which we question our Existentialism.

The one Reading of the play is of the political reading.  The name of the character may represent the European nation. Vladimir represent Russia, Estragon represenat France, Pozzo represent Italy, lucky represenat England. We also see that Godot represenat the Germany. All these countries were lost their gimmick and passing  time in wait for something good to come out.

As far as Pozzo and Lucky are concerned we see that they are master slave. So if this we have to see with the angle of Beckett's discipleship towards Joyce and Joyce  hated England we can see that Angle also. That thing we can conclude from the dialogue like,

Estragon : Mister...excuse me, Misters...
Pozzo : you are being spoken to pig! Reply ! ( To Estragon ) Try him again.

In this way we see that Lucky is not anything more than pig to him.

The more thing change the more remain simmiler. This we see in the conversation of Boy and Vladimir. When you read the conversation you feel simmiler but things are different.

In the 1st act he Vladimir say that tell him that tell Godot that we are waiting.

 BOY: What am I to tell Mr. Godot, Sir?
Tell him . . . (he hesitates) . . . tell him you saw us. (Pause.You did see us, didn't you?

   The same conversation change and he said that  tell him that I was waiting. 

   Here we see the same conversation with little difference. 
What am I to tell Mr. Godot, Sir?
Tell him . . . (he hesitates) . . . tell him you saw me and that . . . (he hesitates) . . . that you saw me. (Pause. Vladimir advances, the Boy recoils. Vladimir halts, the Boy halts. With sudden violence.) You're sure you saw me, you won't come and tell me tomorrow that you never saw me!


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