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The Birthday party by Harold pinter

  • This blog is part of my thinking activity on post viewing task of Harold Pinter's s The birthday  party. The movie on the birthday party has directed by William Friedkin.

When we see the movie we found that the two scene in movie in which Lulu is there are omitted. The reason of this according to me is that  if  these scene are shown in movie then audience find all there answer about the movie. May be Director wants them to search some answer by then self.

When we see the movie we also able to fill effect of Menace at some point. When we talk about the comedy of Menace we see that one of the remarkable characteristic of it is that it evolved form actual violence. That thing We can see in the scene of question answering by Net and McCann.

When we see movie that time there are some scene which leads us to feel lurking danger. The one of that scenes is knowing sound of door.  That knowing gives us so many terrible thought in one minute.

In movie we also see there are some scene in which we found news paper. That news paper also symbolize things like the news about baby in paper and then talk which signifies that they won't have child and that thing may be become the reason for problem in there marriage. The one more thing it signifies is ignorance. We see that when mag goes to wake up saintly that time voice comes from the  room is shows that there is something wrong with their relationship but that time Petey won't pay attention and still read news paper.

One more scene in which we see the news paper is that when McCann cut news paper. This shows his ill ill motive. But we also see that this peace of newspaper are hide by Petey that shows that though he  knew that what is happening is wrong but still he can not do anything exceptional hiding the truth.

When we see movie that time we see that there is one scene in which we found that the camera is take room's view as it looks like a jail or cage that is destiny of steanly that he has to leave in the cage of society.  There is no way to go out of it.

Pinter restored theater to it's basic element that we see in the unpredictable dialogue. The talk in question answer part or and also in drawing room scene in this scene character  give mercy to one another but it's just prentese.

When we see movie we understand two type of sclience in better way. One is no language sclience and the other is of torent of language. About the comedy of Menace and lurking danger I have mentioned above.

According to me this film it self is quit statisfactory film. Because it is very difficulty to connect and represenat the idea of Pinter in such a good way it's  difficult task and director of this film  has done this such a good way.

If I was a director I may make much similar movie to this because I like this idea of making.

If I am a director and I have to make film with the Indian actor then my choice is,

Steanly : Aayushman Khurrana.
Goldberg : Nasiruddin shah.
McCann : Nawazuddin Siddiqui.
Lulu : Kalki Koechlin.
Petey :. Anupam Kher.
Meg : Shabana Azmi.


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