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Method of ELT.

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Name               :     Jeel   j. Vyas
Roll No                :     11.
Paper No            :    12. English language Teaching ( ELT) -1
Class                    :     M.A. Sem – 3.
Topic                   :     Different Methods in English
                                    Language Teaching
Enrolment No   :    2069108420190045
College               :   Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English.
Email ID             :
Submitted         :    Department  of English
                                M. K. Bhavnagar University.

Abstract :  when we talk about the English language in India we see that it is second language. English is also one of the most important language of the nation because it is a working language. After Hindi also most spoken language of India. Because of this reasons learning of English language become important. But as I have mentioned it is second language so it also become difficult for teachers to teach. Because students have different first language which they use for daily life communication. And because of this practice of using English language become difficult task. To overcome this difficulty they use different methods to teach this language. According to Richards and Rodgers ( 1985) Theory is put into practice and it tells what skills and content to thought and contents. It compromise three levels : Approach, design and procedures. Method in English language teaching is the important element through which learning of language become easier. Basically it’s referring to the techniques which is used by the teachers to teach any particular language to their students. So this methods used for any language learning. Through this methods leaning becomes easy for learners. So by using this types of method learner can learn many languages.

                   Here I will talk about some of the method which are used by ELT teachers. The list of the method is given below.
1. Grammar translation Method.
2. Direct Method.
3. The Audio-lingual Method.
4. Total Physical response.
5. Suggestopedia.
6. The silent way of Teaching.
Here I will try to explain some of this method according to my understanding about them.

1. Grammar translation Method : 
                             Grammar  translation method is one of the oldest and widely used method. It is also known as Traditional method. When we talk about this method we see that in India this is widely used method because here English is second language. Where the English is first language this method won’t possible. But in Europe this method is used for Greek and Latin. With the arrived of Britisher this method is introduce in India.
          This method is particularly talk about the Grammar. In This particular method Lerner fist learn grammatical rules and regulations. After learning rules they learn the language and how form sentences in the language.  About this Method  Thomson and Wyatt gave three principles.
Thomson and Wyatt’s three principal : 
Translation interprets foreign phraseology best
Through interpretation learner able to learn target language
Words compare and contrast with mother tongue so mother tongue helps in learning of second language
Every method has there own Aim and Principal also so this method also have Aim and Principal.

Aim of the Method : 

To develop leaners ability to level that they can read and write the things which are written in Target language.
Able to understand the massage conveyed in the target languages.
The person first learn the mother  tongue and then learn the target language.
The way every method have there Aim and Principal the same way every method have there own Advantage and Disadvantages as well.
Advantage of the Method :
Increase vocabulary.
Make teaching activities easy.
Save time and energy.
Can be easily used in overcrowded class.
Disadvantages of the method :
Skills like speaking and listening can not develop.
Literal translation ruins the charm of the language.
Rare opportunity for students to practice Target language.
Technique used in the method:
Filling the blanks.
Translation of passage.
Complete the sentence
        But one thing We must remember that there are some cultural attribute which cannot be translated. Like sindur, Mangalsutra.
So, this is one of the Method used by  teacher and also one of the important Method. This method also help students to learn target language.

2.Direct Method : 
            This method has originated 8n France in 1901. This method 8s reaction against the Grammar translation method. In this method they talk about the learning target language without help of the mother tongue. In this language Lerner learn  L2 Without help of L1. This method is also known as Natural method which later on  become popular as Direct method.
  Aim and Principal of the method :
Communication is import.
English about everyday  life.
Both speaking and listening comprehension taught.
Current pronunciation can thought
 Advantage of the Method :
Easy to learn new words.
Hundred percent involvement of students.
Communication become fast.
Skills like  writing, speaking, and listening can developed.
By reading louder pronunciation become clear.
Self correction leads to self confidence.
Disadvantages of method : 
Focused can be go on more playing rather then words or sentences.
Speed of communication can be interpreted.
Technique can be used to teach method :
Question answer
Reading aloud
Conversation practice.
So by looking this we can say that this method  is completely different then the grammar translation method.  But we see that this method is as useful as Grammar translation method.

3.Total physical response : 
          Totle physical response is another method used by ELT teachers. The method total physical response known as TPR. The method is developed by James usher. He was a professor of phycology from America San Jose state University. This method is based on learning through physical activity. Learning teaching method build around the speech and action; it attempt the teach through the physical activity. The basic view of this method is to have fun and also learning.
Aim and Principal of the Method :
To have fun and learn.
Importance of the listening.
At early stage use of native language is possible.
Feedback and contractions is important.
Advantage of method :
This method has fun and easy.
Does not require prepation.
Good time to learn vocabulary.
Class is not problem.
Age is not barrier.
Disadvantage of method : 
Not a creative method.
Easy to overuse TRP.
Limited scope.

This method is easy to apply in class. Student can have fun and also learn thing together. Because this method have fun students may like this method then any other method.

4. Suggestopedia :
      Suggestopedia is the method developed by the Bulgarian Psychiatrist educator Georgi Lozanov. The most conspicuous characteristics of the Suggestopedia are decoration, furniture and arrangements of classroom the use of music and the authoritative behaviour of Teacher.  This method has some theoretical components.
Theoretical components :
Double plannedness
Technique used in method : 
Question Answer
Role play
Listening activity
Classroom setup
Positive situation
In this method we see that teacher make student comfortable so that they can pay attention to the study. But in this method we found that teacher and students needs to play some roles.
    Role of teachers : 
Show absolute confidence in the method.
Maintain a modest enthusiasm.
    Role of students :
Should not be critical but simply absorb what is presented to them.
Should follow should their teachers.
 Making student comfortable get both the things that of they pay attention they can learn thing Easley but then if they started enjoying there comfort rather then paying attention to study then it would affect their studying.

5. The Audio – lingual method : 
      This method also Known as Army method. This method is used to improve  communicative competence in leaders. This method is based on linguistic theory and behavioural psychology. This method is based on Skinner's Behaviourism theory. It assumed that human being can be trained using system of reinforcement. This method is widely used in 1950s and 1960s. In this method there are three level of learning  language.
1. Beginners.
2. Elementary.
3. Intermediate.
There are six type of audio – lingual method can be used by teachers.
1. Dialogue Memorization.
2. Backword build-up.
3. Different type of drills.
4. Use of minimal Paris.
5. Complete the dialogue.
6. Grammar game.
Principal of Method :
Material presented in form of dialogue.
Dependency on mimicry, memorization.
Structures are taught one at a time.
Repetitive drills
Much use of tapes, language labs and visual aids.
Advantage of method :
Skills like speaking and listening can be improved.
Can be used at Elementary and intermediate level.
Can be used in median size class.
 Disadvantages of method :
Repetition can be boring.
Reading and writing can be neglected.
Required more time to prepare for activities.
   This are the diffrent method used by different teacher to teach English as a second language. But as we see that all method have advantage as well as disadvantages so in order to teach language teacher must used different methods. According to me teacher must seen first that whom they are teaching because Every age group have different needs. So teacher must first see the needs of students and accordingly that he or she can Mengele the method and can teach their students.
          According to me if the students are from primary level then Total physical response because in this students can have fun and learn. If we are dealing with the students of high school then according to me Direct  method is appreciated because when they went to higher education then there communication will become more important and in this method they learn English of everyday life. In higher education According to me both Direct and Audio lingual method is appropriate. Because in out side world communication is much important and this both method focuses on this.
      So in this Manner teacher can also think and try to towards students need and can use appropriate method.


  1. Written very well Jeel.. It is is very useful for our examination.


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