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Rang mohan youth festival

Bhavnager university has organized the youth festival name the Rang mohan.  Youth festival are the good stage for students to show their talent.  When we talk about the event in the festival we see that there are different type of events like, skit, mono acting, poetry recitation, quiz, clay modeling, poster making, group songs, folk dance, mimicry etc. Theme of this years youth festival is connected with the 150th birthday of Mahatma gandhi.

The journey of youth festival began with the kalayatra.  In this kalayatra all students from diffrent collage perform in diffrent theme.

Swami Sahjanand College of Commerce and arts performed with the theme of " My life is my Message",
- The KPES college and M.J. college performed with theme of divine journey of  Mohan to Mahatma  and Simon go back.
- M.B.A. department Presented theme of new India, Digital India,,Invest India, Clean India, Hange rapids, religion,green India
- Samaldas Arts college performed with the theme of " Where am I ?"

On the next morning there was a folk Fiction in the amphitheatre of university.  The fiction began with the performance of students from GTU. 
Then Dlipsinh sir welcomed to all the participants and all the guests. Shri Bhupendrasinh Chudasma gave a speech. Mayabhai Ahir, Kirtidan Gadhi, Abhaysinh Rathod and Dhirubhai Sarvaiya also changed the whole atmosphere with their vocal vibes. Our vice chancellor Dr. Mahipatsinh Chavda delivered a brief thanking note.

There is also an event of Bajan. There were student from the department of English Nasim she perform the vaishnav jan to tene re kahiye. 

Apart from this there are several events like quiz, poetry recitation are on the same the day. 

On the last day There is events like clay modlig,  poster making, skit etc. 
At last the KPES collage won the championship and SSCM are the runners up in the youth festival.


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