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Literary criticism and philosophy by F. R. Leavies.

F. R. Leavies was English literary critic who championed seriousness and moral death in Literature and criticize what he consider the amateur belletrism of his time. His notable works are new beginners in English poetry and the great tradition.

The essay literary criticism and philosophy was first published in scrutini in the year 1937. It was response to wellk  suggestiont that life should spell out the theoretical basis of his criticism.

After review revelation the ancient Kriti and literary historian wellk wrote allow me to sketch your idea of poetry your names with which you measure every poet, your way it must be in serious relation to actually lyric word. It must have rain grass on actual it must be in relation to life it was not cut off from direct where you are living.

The reading demanded by poetry is of direct kind then demanded by philosophy. the critic is reader of poetry and is concerned with evolution but not judgement. The critic should be realise as completely and as sensitively as possible the experience that is given in words. According to him, " the business of literary critic is to attain a particular Complan tense of response a critic should respond with strict relevance and then developed into commentry and ground against premature generalizing."

Leavies defend his practice by pointing out that his critical as exemptions are employed in his work he says if I have avoided anything to be journalies it was because of basins to pleasure to be of any use. 

He believes in working in terms of create judgement and particular analysis. And think of criticism as comparative effort in terms of distinguished text with flow of critic. As a critic you should see criticism as cooperative method. You also know about other writing.

To reduce principal as abstract statement take away the the biceps size of criticism in general and make it in a way clinzee. Levies believe in in democratic his principal and thought in state them.


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