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Myth, fiction and displacement by Northrop Frye.

Northrop Grumman in full Herman Northrop Frye. Canadian educator and Literary critic who wrote much on Canadian Literature and culture and become best known as one of the most important Literary critic of 20th century.

Myth is conception reading through multiple faculty of through anthropology, phycology comparative religion, sociology and several other. A question is why Literature ? It has always been integral part of Literature. As Literature has tendency to convince.

There are two division for Literary works 1. Fiction : Novel, plays, narrative poetry, folk tales. 2. Thematic : lyrical , essay.  In this particular essay we are constant with fictional part of Literature. Myth is looking at Literature existence pearly by looking  beyond the movement of time.

Continuity is important in Literature. It may be logical, pseudo logically, psychological and rhetorical. The whole concept of continuity may be an illusion bas well as reality plot remain the essence of fiction.

In Direct experience continuti is at center. We move away something in the sequence to the theme. Incident there for letters on become distunience and linearity takes a brake seat.

Theme has distinguish Elements 1. Subject 2. Allegorical translation 3. Mythos. Mythos is primary in fiction and we somehow know that won't go forever.

Never the end we expect certain point at the end and the work is conspicuously visible. Anagnorisis is important in Myth. Ex : comedy is in u shape and Tragedy invested u shape.

Imagination ha s power to disene our Redom fantasy and its not possible without imagination because any kind of imagination is always structured.

By Myth we believe that is larger in farms of power then humanity. Myth is unlike science it is a verbal art. It deal with the world that man creat and note that man contemplates.

Two conceptual principal of Myth are 1. Analogy 2. Identity. Myth is used because of liberty that its provided. Myth fiction and displacement are inter related strings as one anything ditach would then make the whole plot reningless and more ways then one.

On the basis on what we have discussed we can come to conclusion that " Myth deals with the fiction in order to convince as about certain aspects in a concern Manner and make it acceptable. " 


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