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Shakespeare's idea of tragedy is the main analogous to that of eristotal Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth and King Lear are chief tragedies in which he has express his idea at life and its terror and Mystery.

When we look at the Othello we see that he has to face tragedy because of his jealousy. When we see the Othello we found that it is the only tragedy whose hero is not a King or prince.

Othello is, in fact a concentrated tragedy it is the one tragedy of Shakespeare which is as remarkable for its villain as for its hero. Othello is also Shakespeare hero who is more poetic then his any other hero. 

The suffering of Desdemona is the most nearly intolerable spectacle that Shakespeare offers us For one thing, it is mete suffering, that is much worse to witness than suffering that issues in action. Desdemona is helplessly passive. She can do nothing whatever. She can retaliate neither in speech nor in articulate feeling. This helplessness issues not because she cannot do so but because her nature is exquisitely sweet and her love for Othello is absolute. 

Element of Intergrue is also one of the most important element of the tregedy of Othello.  This Intergrue is become sussied because of the character of Iago. 

Iago’s plot is Iago’s character in action ; otherwise it would not have succeeded Still, it remains true that an elaborate plot was necessary to elicit the catastrophe ; therefore, Iago’s intrigue occupies a position in the play for which no parallel can be found in other tragedies.


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