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Poem : ode on solitude.

The poem Ode On solitude was written by Alexander pope. He was known for his satirical verse and for his transaction of Homer. This poem by Alexander pope written when he was  twelve years old. Pope is famous for his use of heroic couplet.

In this poem post gave the defination of the happy person. If we simply read this poem we think that poet in this poem talk about gamer and his life. But when we go deeper in the poem we realized the real meaning of the poem. To give characteristics of happy man post use the symbolically language.

In the first stanzas port say that if you have a person in your life who care for you then you are the happy man. He further added that if the person had his own morality then he is happy man. He also say that the person who leaves in the native place with the family heirloom don't need to go out for the job that man is happy man.

In the second stanza he say that if the person has enough bread and for that Brad if he doesn't need to secrifices any thing that man is happy man.

 " Whose flocks supply him with attire" 
This lines means who has  own clothes that man is happy man. The person who ha family for support is happy man.

In the third stanza he say that the person whose days and years are passing softly are happy man. And shoes health is good that man is happy man.

In the forth stanza he say that the Man who can sleep in night easily and who had innocence that man is happy man.

In the last stanza poet talk about completely opposite situation. And talks about the person who doesn't have all this thing and say that who doesn't have all this is unseen and unknown person. Society doesn't respect that person. And say that I don't have all this thing and I am leaving in solitude.

At least he say that one day he will steal from the world but no one care about this.


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