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Prefeace to the plays of Shakespeare : Samuel Johnson.

Samuel Johnson, often referred to as, Dr. Johnson, was an English writer who made lasting contribution to English Literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, Literary critic, biographer, editor, and lexicographer regarded as one of the greatest figure of 18th century life and letters.

Johnson wrote so many works but among them for us remembered to worthy is his dictionary and his lives of the poets. The lives of the poet are the simplest and most readable of his Literary work.

He was a very good critic. He wrote essay on the play of Shakespeare. In that essay he wrote positive things as well as negative things about Shakespeare's play.

Positive of Shakespearean style of writing : 

In this essay Samuel Johnson wishes to justify the reliance of the Shakespeare even after so many years, he unlike author dramatic does not use any hyperbolic language for any character which makes the plot readable.

Shakespeare use  very easy language so comean people can understand what's going on stage or what author to say. He chooses plot that comanon man can relate. For ex :  Shakespeare's play tragedy Othello.  I this we can see human feeling like jealousy, doubt, love etc.

Shakespeare dies not have any hero. He only has character who  would connect in the same manner as the normal person would in that situation. Shakespeare use positive and negative both the side.

Sometimes he represent the things and events which lake any possibility but the present in very stable and all the situation reflect the human nature in one way or the other.

To bring end Shakespeare gave Change of heart concept. It could be the changes from life to death or the drawing of new insights.

For this type of reason Shakespeare drama is considered to be a mirror if life which represents human sentiment in a very believable language.

The play of Shakespeare are sometimes beyond the tragedy and comedy. It is very distinct in nature. He has elements of everything. For ex: Romeo and Juliet. It is Romantic Tragedy. He was one of the rare writers who wrote Tragedy as well as comedy with the same kind of expertise.

He has expertise of writing the laughter and sorrow threw compaction of writing which has lasting effect on the mind of audience.

It was believed that his play has everything from extreme serious character to an extreme ludicrous  character.

Shakespeare's mood of composition is dependent on the constant inter Change of seriousness and merriment by which the mind soften at one time and exhrtarated  at another.

Earlier there was three basic style of writing drama; comedy Tragedy and history. And Shakespeare had his command over all three style of writing.

Shakespeare engaged himself in writing drama and poetry. He wrote when rules of writing were not known as a result it can be said that he had a Natural flare of writing poetry which letter on become his own style of writing.

Comedy by Shakespeare was largely depends on thought and language where as Tragedy were depends on incident and language. Comic sense as are totally depends on the manners and word. Shakespearean style of comedy is still consider to be bench Mark for ideal comic situation.

Negative of Shakespearean style of writing : 

Shakespeare perhaps has more negative as compare to positive in his writing . He sacrifice virtue to convince and sometimes without any moral purpose.

Chance factor is supposed to be main stay of Shakespearean drama. When writer get confused during writing play at that time he use chance in his drama.

Both above mentioned points are defects point. As writer duty to make the world better. This thing is believing by pre - Shakespearean writer but Shakespeare does not believe this.

Plots are open loosely structured sometime he cannot components his own design and always goes for an easier option.

The letter part is totally neglected and imperfections is evident at the end. Narration is  natural tedious. As there is a sense of disproportion from in turns of diction and it sometime obstructs the progress of action.

All the virtues there for shall be rated along with the feeling. There for it can be said that he has only preserved the low of unity of action which is unlikely the Aristotelian idea of beginning middle and end. It can be said that he has no regard for unity of time  and place for most of his play.


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