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Short story : The Tiger smiled.

The Tiger smiled is a narrative story of the Jim corbett. He talked about one of experience of hunting a Tigress.

The story starts with Jim Corbett and other two companion following the tigress in ravine. He finds nest of nightjar bird. There were two eggs. He takes the eggs because nightjar eggs were missing in his collection.

They go further into ravine. His fellow tells him that did he heard tiger growling? Jim denies but suspect that tigress is following them. Soon they faced the tigress face to face. Jim thoughts it he should act instantly or should he make his move slowly that the tigress do not get alarmed. He points rifle toward tigress with difficulty. He pressed the trigger. The bullet had injured her spine and shattered the upper portion of her heart.
The tigress was killed. They recognises species of the tigress. It was Chowgarh tigress who had killed sixty four people.

They climb over the rocks and go out of ravine. In the party Jim decided to put the eggs in the nest again. He had kept these in his left hand. The story ends Jim describing the mother of the eggs sitting in nest.


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