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The Function of criticism at present time by Matthew Arnold

Matthew Arnold was any English Victorian poet literary critic and social critic noted specially for is classical attracts on contemporary text and manners of " barbarians", "the Philippines"and  "the populace". He become the apostal of culture in search work is culture and anarchy.

Creative ability is better than critical ability. This essay by Arnold was published in "essay in criticism "in the year 1865. The major cause concern is in this essay was priviliing attitude that creative and constructive capacity is more important then political capacity. He says critic can not be creative.

Arnold here try to elaborate on the definition of criticism by saying that,
" It is enbaeour in all the branch of knowledge, philosophy, art history science to see  the object itself really is."

According to Arnold you should not be creative if you are critic. Therefore it can be say that in order to be a create something which is valuable will required to have necessary mind set to understand. According to Arnold criticism is all about generating idea during specific time and place in history. according to him any literature can only be generated in a climate of great idea. He further goes on an argue that emotional experience in writing creative work and criticism is almost equal and he is against the opinion of people who undermine the criticism. He continuously try to defend criticism by saying that the artificial that goes into criticism is almost the same as any creative activity.

Further in this essay he make a comparison between Goethe and Byron. According to him both of them are equal creative and productive power but have strong baking in critical effect.  Through the rich knowledge of cultural background and that is why Goethe was writer who is is considered and rated highly against Bayern.

Through this example Arnold wants to say that any poet should be first of all try to understand world in which he or she leaves and then be creative. According to Arnold any criticism is an outcome of extreme curiosity which is the stepping stone of knowledge. Curiosity should be distinguish that is as a critic you should be objective. It can be say that a critic is free give his or her point of view which means that criticism as an activity should be free from any external influence and it should be given important as separate discipline itself.

Criticism should not allow it said to be submitted to any political consideration and at the end it should serve nothing but itself. Criticism is not connected with politics. Criticism is for itself for criticism you have to change mind set.

The function of criticism therefore is to give way to the follow of idea and therefore be followed by lot of honesty. It gives flow of idea but you should honest as critic. Criticism should not be having any political consideration. It should be done without looking for any ends and should involve it self in process with extremely creative and never ending.

Arnold also talk about scepticism and this mine set came into existence because of development of science during that period. Believes that production of good literature is depend on generating conceptional idea. In order to support this argument Amrold give lot of information to culture by calling it study of perfection and it should be taken as link between literature and thought process.

In this essay Arnold father deals with the importance of criticism in education because criticism understanding of certain aspect which regard to political, social and literary aspect is  encensed.

he believes that criticism has an important social function and therefore advocate the importance of criticism as genre in school because itne become responsible in generation of contacts of idea in order to analyse literature. There are certain questions to be argued in order to understand the critical afraid and according to an old it's all about learning and forces on the idea and having the importance of scrtine.

This highest function of man is exist to creative power and get involved in great activity. Creativity is all about synthesis and exposition not analusis and discovering.

In spite of the fact that places critical power lower than creative activity does not define that creative activity can be done even if you are not producing great work of literature or art. Moving further Arnold talks about the relationship between creativity and critical power and focus is on way in any literature that creative is not possible without criticism. The answer of this question is that critical power propagate intellectual atmosphere in which flerusis  creative power. Creative power according to Arnold work with multitude of fresh idea that make creative art.

Instead in this criticism very important and creativity is all about keeping the inside. criticism should not layed itself to any political social consideration of idea. Combining all Arnold finally define criticism as the idea of distracted and ever learn to propagate the best that is known and thought in the world in order to establish serious of fresh idea.


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